
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What are some good 80's anime series/movies to watch?

Appleseed, Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball, Patlabor, Golgo 13, Tank Police, Vampire Hunter D, Wicked City, various Gundams, Robotech, Lupin III, AKIRA, NAUSICAA OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND, MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO, DEMON CITY SHINJUKU, GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, THE GUYVER,

What do you think about John Krisfalusi and his cartoon Ren and Stimpy and why?

John is a legend an rightfully so, because Ren & Stimpy changed the entire landscape of animation when it came out. Without Ren & Stimpy there is no Spongebob no Flapjack, no Adventure Time.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Adaptations that are better than the source material?

Liked by: Rena

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No love for G Gundam? To quote Sai, "BRO!"

People always do this. I was asked what my FAVORITE was. Not the same as not liking any other Gundam.

Do you think Chief Keef is mainstream?

Well he's has some degree of mainstream success, for sure. His records have charted and he was on Kanyes last album.

Do you believe in the phrase, "forgive and forget."

I believe in forgiving. Forgetting, less so.

Of all of the people at Toonami, who is the most obsessed with cars?

None of us are OBSESSED with cars, but if the folks at Toonami, I guess I'm the most into them.

Have you done any cool do-it-yourself projects recently?

I built a grill, I guess that counts?

What is your favorite in the Three Flavors trilogy? Have you had a chance to try a Cornetto yourself?

My personal favorite is HOT FUZZ, although I like them all. I haven't tried Cornetto.

How do you feel about folks remarrying when their previous wife/husband died?

I wouldn't presume to judge anyone in that situation. Every relationship is different and until I've been in that situation, I'm not in a position to sit in judgement.

Thoughts on Ant Man now that Edgar Wright left due to difference in the vision of the film?

sldy93’s Profile PhotoSldy93
My thoughts are that I now have absolutely zero interest in Ant-Man.
Liked by: Sldy93

Do you feel "high concept" series in the US have a problem of not wanting to have an ending because networks don't like finite series? I mean stuff like Lost, Revolution, etc where the concept clearly wouldn't work for an extended period of time for any number of reasons.

Not really. It's up to the show creators to actually have some idea of where the show would go. Otherwise, call it a mini-series.

Hey Mr.demarco there this music concert full of indies and i know your very good at finding music and you got me into some these artist like mac demarco and such. who shoud i check out in this line up http://nxne.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Lineup-Apr30-750x500.jpg

From this list? I'd want to see Juicy J, Danny Brown, Mac DeMarco, Future Islands, Pusha, Metz, Run the Jewels, Omar Souleyman, Oneohtrix Point Never, Araabmuzik, Fuck Buttons, Tim Hecker, Eagulls, Autre Ne Veut, Ratking, Le1f, Cities Aviv, and Evian Christ. Have fun!

How long have you been an insomniac?

I'm not an insomniac, I just don't need more than 4-6 hours of sleep, usually. I never have trouble falling asleep. I've been this way my whole life.

What are your favorite Christopher Nolan movies? Also, are you looking forward to the newest movie he's been working on "Interstellar"?

I like Nolan a lot. I'd say my favorites are INCEPTION, MEMENTO and THE DARK KNIGHT. Def looking forward to INTERSTELLAR.
Liked by: vicky g

I know you like Flapjack but what did you think of the other show that came along about the same time chowder?

I liked Chowder. I liked Flapjack more, but Chowder was cute and I wish it hadn't been cancelled before it's time.

What do you think made frozen so successful?

Hard to say. Easy mix of girl empowerment and princess fantasies w/light humor? Cloying, sugary songs that stuck in your head? Some combination therein?

Did you make the memorial day bump during Cleveland show? If you did, thanks. If you didn't, thanks to whoever made the bump.

I worked on it with a couple of people. I'll thank them for you.


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