
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why is it that animes fans seem to prefer the original Japanese so much? Idk about anyone else but I perfer the english version 90% of the time.

No idea, but to each their own! As long as they aren't being jerks about it, I say like what you like!

Do you have a grudge against Anime openings?

No, not in any way, shape or form. At the same time, I don't think they merit any particular special consideration. Just because you make an open with J-pop instead of, like, Law & Order, doesn't make the open objectively any better or more interesting to me. Opens are just the thing you sit through to get to the part you want, which is the show itself.
Liked by: Sketch

(serious) why do you respond to so many trolls?

Because, sometimes it's fun. And sometimes you have to stand up to people who think they can talk shit. You have no idea how many trolls I block and/or don't answer on here. You only see a tenth of them.
Liked by: Sketch

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Why are you playing Attack on Titan's dub and not the sub version that's ten times better.

And you know this how? Native Japanese speaker are you? No, we both know you're not, anon. Unless you know Japanese well enough to tell the difference in performances (and we both know you don't), you're simply being another elitist weeabo. Beat it.

How do you feel about Augusta? Cuz I think Augusta is pretty trash.

I like Augusta. I attended a wedding there and it seemed really quiet and beautiful.

What are your thoughts on how far animation and animation technology has come? I think its really neat to see a true difference when you look at stuff like Robotech to gundam wing or from Lupin to IGPX and how technology has pushed animation further than I thought it could ever go.

I think it's been a blessing and a curse. More amazing stuff is certainly possible, and the turnaround time for production and sheer man hours involved in animation have been shortened for sure. Yet, traditional 2D animation is in it's twilight as a result.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

That Space Ghost April's Fools stunt was glorious. I first saw Coast to Coast when I was really small and when it came on late night. Now since Im older I guess you could say I got the humor alot better and really had a newfound love for it. Is there any way to get the series on netflix or anywhere?

Not that I know of, I'm sorry!

Is there an anime moment that made you tear up?

Anything from GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, key moments from SPIRITED AWAY and TOTORO, too. Sob!

Do you like the Northern states of the southern states better?

It's not about states for me, it's about cities. I like Atlanta and Miami better than any other cities on the eastern seaboard, by far.

jason my home team lost in the nba playoffs :( i feel demoralized , help me cheer up ?

Well, I'd say you should realize that your team is in no way reflective of your achievements as a human being, and hang whether they win or lose, that's ultimately something that's very little to do with you and your life. A little distance here might be a good thing. I'd try to find another hobby or interest you could invest your time in, at least for a bit, because getting depressed over your team losing is not healthy. Good luck!

what are your thoughts on people who discuss business over dinner or sporting event ?

I might be the wrong person to ask, because in the TV business you pretty much never stop working. I talk about and think about work all the time. And as far as sporting events, who ever said you can't talk business when a game is on? It's just a game, fuck it.

whats your favorite tv show or movie you could re watch a million times over?

I've watched THE BIG LEBOWSKI and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN countless times. The movie I've seen more than any other is STAR WARS, I've seen that well over 100 times...
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Do you have a favorite IGPX episode?

Not really. There are episodes I think worked a lot better than others, but it's more like I have a collection of favorite moments, than a favorite episode.

Are you paid to be the A&R for Williams Street Records or is that also a free gig like Toonami?

That's paid gig!

Do you have a favorite flying lotus song?

I have many, but one that's really stuck with me over the years is "Zodiac Shit," which I made a video for.

I love you man, hearing advice from you is what keeps me going. Life is hard.

Thanks, happy to help.

How do I forgot about something I've done in the past, i'm not proud of?

Nothing you can do but try to move forward. Be aware of your mistake and mindful of behavior that might lead to you repeating it.

Whats one bump you came up with yourself?

Nobody does anything by themselves. If you mean, the IDEA for a bump, the most recent thing I came up with is the 8p-11p look on Adult Swim currently.

I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that I don't really mind that the opening was cut. I'd rather the opening be cut than scenes from the episode. I know this probably doesn't make up for the huge cluster-fuck that is last night, but please never change and continue to kick ass as always.

Thanks for saying so!

Can I just say thanks for the fact that you guys stick to only one commercial break in the middle of an episode rather than 2? It's nice having the flow for anime remain intact, and I think it serves the American toons equally as well.

You're welcome! We are now one of the few networks that do that.

Who comes up with tge ideas for bumps and stuff for AS?

A very talented group of people I'm proud to say work for and with me!
Uh, and me. ;)


Language: English