
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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You wont review J stars I thought you liked anime?

I also like games, good ones, and I don't review anything just because it's an anime based game. That would be really stupid.

Should you try to pick your roomate in college or should you just go random?

Since when do you get to pick??

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were your college years really the best time of your life like they say it is?

I dunno. I like to think whatever time I'm living in is the best time of my life. I detest it when people lionize their past too much.

I almost chocked on my drink you were a bartender???? I got a giggle out of that. What made you pick that job?

I was a very good bartender. Why not do it? Easy money, cash, meet new people...

What made you decide to start buying music digitally instead of physical copies? Are there any CD's you will buy a physical copy of or do you exclusively buy digital?

Oh, at some point I just had way too many CDs. Plus my laptop didn't even have a disc drive, eventually. I just recently gave away all 6,000 CDs I had. It was a storage issue, primarily. Nowadays I only buy digital and once in a GREAT while I will buy a record (vinyl) or two.

Where did you work through college?

I was a bartender at a nightclub/bar and a restaurant. Worked 6 days a week while I put myself through school. Had a lot of fun!

What is your single favorite scene in a Disney movie?

The part where the princess, who's had such a very hard time of things, meets her one true love and sings a song about it!! OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER
Liked by: corey barnes

When you first started William street records, was it tough at the beginning ? Because adult swim wasn't really known for music yet ? Also what was it like to crush their expectations ?

Actually they were really supportive. The success of the DangerDoom project really convinced them. It's been a super fun experience!

Jason when you were in art school , did you parents support you. Like going into media cause I want to go into media but my parents don't support it. They think I will fail . And now I'm in some program I don't like.

One parent did, one didn't. Listen, your parents might not understand, but I'm sure they love you. It's YOUR life though, and you have to live it, and you have to do what makes YOU happy, not them. As far as being in a program you don't like- part of being on your own is taking responsibility for what happens to you! That's the OTHER side of the coin when you go against your parents' wishes. So if you don't like your program- change it! Good luck. :)

How does it feel, to you, knowing that you have been putting into something for 17 years? Do you feel the work in the end has payed off or is paying off to you?

This is gonna sound very strange, but I really don't think about it too much! It's been such an amazing ride, I just try to keep my head down and work very hard to keep doing the best work I can, and remain grateful for each and every second of what I'm doing. Weird, I know, but it's how I am.

Have you played Max Payne 3? If you have would you recommend it?

I played it, it was aight. WAAAAY overlong story and the gamely was good but not amazing.

Any thoughts on Robert Rodriguez's El Rey Network? It's so odd seeing a new network in this day and age and they seem to have a lot of potential given the backers.

Haven't seen it, so I can't really comment, sorry.

I Have actually been considering pursuing a career in Voice Acting. How does one go about getting Voice Acting Gigs?

Ian Chapman
Practice, make a reel of voices you can do, read different lines, try different things. Try to get an agent or get representation by an agency. Then you're off!

I'm 26 in May & I don't know where my life is going. I'm single, currently trying to move into a much more solid apt/house with 3 friends and working a fairly meh grocery store job as a cashier. And I have an incomplete college degree. And loan bills. And no car currently. Any idea what I should do?

Hm well sounds like you're in a right spot. Not sure why your college degree is incomplete but is there any way you could take out ANOTHER loan (I know, I know) and finish it? Or, failing that, maybe pick a trade you can really develop-even if it's something like I dunno, bartending- and work and get really good at that until you can make something happen? Are you good at anything, do you have a passion for anything in particular? How can you double down on that and see what opportunities you might create? What else can you do to push down apathy and make something happen. Is it even possible in your situation? I don't know you, but based on what you've described these are the sorts of things I would ask you.

are there any major sports that you'd say your a fan of?

I like tennis and soccer and bball and golf but I don't watch any of them very often.


Language: English