
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm kinda discourage by this election season. Too much hate on both sides for me. It seems every four years people draw battle lines and hate the other side like they are evil. As a kid I was bullied so I hate all this. Any words of advice?

Try to ignore it, its what I do. Politics are too important and personal to discuss with anyone you don't care about. Once it gets down to people who don't know each other yelling at one another, it's just empty posturing and you should try not to be a part of it. Good luck.
Liked by: Steven Oz Gordon

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Besides airing the pop-culture anime that every soul just can't hate, have you considered running a poll for a selection of shows to air and the one with the most votes gets aired?

No, Toonami isn't and will never be run by committee. That said, we always take into account wha anime fans are talking about and want to see.

You a drinking man? Got a preference for any beers, cocktails, or liquor you personally enjoy?

I am. I like all liquor really. Not much of a beer man. I love Scotch, particularly stuff like Oban 18, Macallan 17/18, Cutty Sark (Prohibition Blend), Lagavulin 16, etc.

Between these 3 flavors, which is the best duo-combination of Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry in your opinion?

Neopolitan, duh!

Ever get recognized in public, or have a family member asked "Hey, are you related to THAT Jason DeMarco?" I imagine that could be weird if so.

I have been recognized in public but not often, thank God. My family is always super embarrassed.

Even when a story is 'cliched', 'something you've already seen' or doesn't break out of conventions spectacularly, does that always necessarily stop you from enjoying it entirely? Are there times where you can still enjoy it in way that doesn't feel like a total time-waster?

Not at all. Sometimes a very well crafted version of something you've seen a billion times before can be just as satisfying as "new" work. It all depends on the execution.

Why is America so lawyer crazy? as a uk citizen that is living in NYC it blows me away to think that a man is being sued for portraying a fictional version of himself. What's wrong with America?

America is a Goddamned mess but in light of Brexit, I think you should spend more time worrying about your OWN house, no? ;)

What do you think of the recent trend of networks like HBO, Netflix, Spike TV, to use brief music tones for on-air packaging?

Those are called "mnemonic devices" and they have been a part of advertising since the beginning. I think they are tricky to get right but they really help create an identity when you nail them. Toonami's used them a bunch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemonic

Is the feedback you get from newer fans significantly different from the sort you get from people who watched Toonami "back in the day"? It's really hard for me to imagine anyone who grew up watching DBZ complaining about long-running shonen-style action shows.

MrKonamiCode’s Profile Photocan spiders fart.com
Yep. That complaint is definitely one that skews on the younger end of the age spectrum. We definitely get completely different complaints and see different expectations for what Toonami "is" across various age strata. It's one of the things that makes the balance so tricky!

Any reason concerning why you air Shippuden's endings instead of the openings? The next 4 Shippuden openings are absolutely brilliant IMO.

It is the rights holder's preference that we air the ending we use currently, not ours.

I've never really watched any previous Jojo incarnations, and while I'm excited (as always) for any new show that pops up on Toonami, do I need any knowledge of the series to enjoy this new version? Thanks!

Nope! Just watch and enjoy!

Imagine you woke up in the same year you were in your last year of high school and you even woke up in your late teens. How well do you think you'd fare in repeating your last year again? (especially in terms of grades and teenage experience stuff)

I'd hate it, I hated high school and I was miserable at home.

What's your opinion on torrents then? People making them don't earn money, but you can't say they're helping the industry either

If you are torrenting something a rights holder refuses to make available in your region, I'm more sympathetic. Otherwise, you're just stealing.

What do you think about the possibility of a GOT spin-off? Should they make it or let GOT go?

I think you could easily make a great show from elements of the "Dunk & Egg" stories. It would be an expensive bet, but there's already an embedded audience, I'd say there's a solid chance we'll see Dunk & Egg on TV in some form.

I've really enjoyed that Toonami speech about Childhood Dreams! Anything motivating to help you in life is amazing to hear! I myself am unsure what mine are, but hope to accomplish them when I recognize them, thanks again!

xXSamsterXx14’s Profile PhotoDoveNGrenade14
Glad you dug it!

What are your thoughts on anime harems? Do you think they're funny, stupid, or you just don't really care about it when they're there?

Obviously I have a fondness for Tenchi etc but I generally feel the idea of harem anime is outmoded and sexist.

What's the dumbest question you've ever gotten at a convention?

At cons I'm just having fun and enjoying fans, I don't really get annoyed with any question. Meeting fans is great.

A couple months ago I asked the question about how an older person could still follow their "Dreams"; and then you go ahead and make that new promo. Thanks for thinking of us guys who may not have such a long road ahead, but still lots of things to do. :)

Glad you dug it!


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