
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What are your thoughts on Hulu removing a large number of anime titles and no longer adding catalog titles from anime distributors?

Sketch1984’s Profile PhotoSketch
hadn't heard about this honestly, but I think you're going to see more and more content creators work on developing their own streaming platforms, and pulling stuff from places like Netflix and Hulu, as time goes on.

B4 I transferred 2 school my GF was best friends with a guy who had a crush on her. He transferred around the time I came & met her. He returned this semester. It's been awkward. She may like him & I feel he came back 2 take her to prom next week. She seems torn on the inside. Do I make her choose?

Well, if she "seems torn" things aren't looking good, I'm sorry to say. It might be time to have a talk with her. You need to make sure this isn't all in your head, and if it isn't, you both need to figure out where to go from here...together. Good luck.

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Am I supposed to raise my daughter on the same religious beliefs me and my family share?Or allow her to discover her own beliefs?

I can only speak for myself, but I chose to allow my child to discover her own. She was exposed to many religions and religious people in my family and my wife's, and made her own decision.

Mom got full custody when I was baby 16yrs ago. Said he was a bad dad and didn't want me to see him. Had only seen pics of him. Found him thru my uncle and met him. He's a cool, vegan tattoo artist. Lied to him, said I got permission to visit. Want to keep seeing him, mom would never agree. Advice?

You need to be honest with your Mom. You have a right to see your birth father, but while he was "cool," it's your Mom who was there when you needed her. He wasn't. You owe her the truth, and she owes you the right to decide if you want to let your father into your life. Good luck.

old people really fuck up the progression of things.

They do sometimes, but the also bring a lot of other good shit to the table that young people too often disregard. Both sides need to meet in the middle.

My friends band was signed to label and produced a top 5 billboard album. Shortly after the album they broke up and got released from the label. They recently got back together and have planned a tour and new album/music video. They have a management, but can they be successful without a label?

Sure they can. If they have talent and some connections, they don't need a label these days. Great music, a good live show and a good manager will get you every far.

Transitioning from a devout Christian man to a Nihilist has been hard for me. Life seems dull, we suffer and endure loss for no reason. We will not see our loved ones again in the so called "afterlife." What would you do if you were in my position?

Realize that even if what you say is true, every day is a gift filled with new opportunities to share joy and love with other humans, and to receive the same. The universe doesn't have to have MEANING for your life to. Your life only needs whatever meaning you ascribe to it. For me, that means loving and supporting those close to me, and trying to avoid hurting others. Good luck.

I accidentally outed myself to my parents by calling my "friend" my boyfriend. They believe I'm going to hell for my lifestyle choice. They tell me this everyday. I don't go to church anymore cause I'm afraid of public embarrassment. Its been 5 months. Can relationship be fixed? I'm only 14.

I'm sorry. That's awful. It may be a long time until they understand, if ever. But that doesn't mean you should live in fear of their disapproval. You can only be who you are and hope they understand, and if they don't, you may eventually have to not speak with your parents. I hope that doesn't happen. Do you have a relative or friend of the family who can help you explain, or patch things up, or offer you a place to stay? There is a national LBGT hotline for people just like yourself, with operators who know a lot more about what do do in these sorts of situations than I do. All I can really say is, I do NOT believe you are going to hell, I believe that you are very brave and that you can make it through this. Good luck. And here's that hotline info: http://www.glbthotline.org/hotline.html

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What do you think about the controversy surrounding the zoo shooting the gorilla?

Parents: watch your kids. Zoos: bad. Gorilla: RIP.

Toonami was my main inspiration to peruse 3D Modelling and Animation. I would love to know what software you use/used and how creating bumps for Toonami has changed from 1997 to now?

We used Maya, then Renderman, and now we use a proprietary setup. It's all about what works for you. Many different types of software exist and what I have learned is that it's all about the artists.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

I, like most people, do my best to be a "good" person. I really do work on being patient and nice, but sometimes... I honk at the person in front of me, I scoff at people in my way, I get snippy. Do you think it's impossible to be a good person if you can't give up the lowkey, everyday asshole acts?

I think being "good" means a lot of different things to different people. I think we all have bad days and are assholes sometimes, and it's important to practice self-forgiveness. Just do your best, it's all anyone could really ask. Good luck.
Liked by: DoveNGrenade14

I'm writing a script for a drama show. I was just wondering what do networks look for in a script and in a pitch meeting?

That's entirely dependent upon the network. Try to imagine what network might air the thing you're writing, what network might be interested in the style or subject matter. That's the first step.

It is the twentieth anniversary of Endtroducing..... this year. Do you think the album still holds up? How have your tastes in electronic music changes in the 20 years since that album first came out?

I think that album totally holds up. It's a classic and a work of sampling genius. Unfortunately Shadow has never been able to achieve those creative heights again, but that's okay. One perfect record is more than most artists get. As for my tastes, they haven't changed all that much! I like synths, I like big drums, I like bottom end, I like new sounds.

Just wanted to say that I've been on and off of Toonami for years and just lately began to appreciate how great Toonami and Anime as a whole is. Thanks Jason, sorry for tuning in so late.

Alex D
Thanks for watching!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

I have family in Ireland & Canada. My mom had A Lot of sisters so I have many cousins. My cousins from Ireland are here and I showed them Toonami last saturday. They loved it. Said it was unlike anything they had ever seen before! :)

Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

you haven't answered a question in 2 days. Are you depressed or something?

Just busy, man! I have a life!

thoughts on UNTITLED 07 (LEVITATE)?

It's the best track on that record, which truly is just a random collection of stuff that wasn't good enough for the record.


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