
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Didn't know about Battle Angel Alita until that ask. Looked it up and started reading it, and it's pretty awesome so far. So...I guess thanks to that anon and you for answering, hah!

NekoBlanchard’s Profile PhotoBlanchard
Glad you dig!
Liked by: Blanchard

what did you think Voltron back in the day?

Well we put it on Toonami in 97, so that should tell you! :)

Do you find Susan Sarandon creepy? I look at her as a dangerous and extreme person and she just scares the hell outta me. Sounds weird, but that's how I feel. (Her political views are part of the reason).

Lol no

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You're gonna cry over a guy you don't even know, pshhh lame.

Haha I won't cry over you, diaper baby. No one will. You will die unloved and unheralded.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Did you cry over the weekend? The minute I heard Purple Rain over the radio was when it hit me. D:

"Purple Rain" is the one that got me, too. Was driving home and got all choked up. He was so damn good.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

jose said on his tumblr that adult swim has a HD version of IGPX can you guys put it on blu-ray?

Sorry, we can't. I hope someone else eventually will!

Your thoughts on Prince's untimely death?

Other people will do a much better job of eulogizing him than I ever could, but I'll say this: His music has meant more to me (and my generation) than any other artist at his level. He himself was such an inspiration to me on a personal level, just as far as being fully committed to being oneself, and not caring (or SEEMING to care which is almost as important) about what anyone thought of him. He understood showmanship and mystery in a way that few artists ever do. When Bowie passed it was, for me, a bit more abstract because Bowie never "showed me" how to be. Prince did, and so I feel losing him in a way that feels more personal and painful. I love him and always will.

Will Toonami ever have another Tumblr Q&A? I know you are using PF for some smaller Q&A type stuff, but some of us preferred Tumblr, which seemed to allow more questions, and answers were short and to-the-point. Plus, we all could see it. I haven't been able to keep up with PF because my PC's crap

No, sorry. Pretty much everything ppl need to know is discussed every week on Pre-Flight. Sorry.

Can you move One Piece to 2 and deathslot Shippuden to 2:30 or even 3? Naruto's bad fillers are putting viewers to sleep and OP will thrive better in an earlier timeslot.

No. Naruto is doing fine where it is and OP is in the best place for it. Your preferences are not those of the wider audience.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

How well does a show have to do for it to be considered "successful?"

It has to do better than what other shows on competing networks are doing in the same timeslot, or at least relatively close to as well, generally. There are many factors and "success" for one show is different than "success" for another. It's not an exact science.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty Sketch

""One Piece is doing bad. This block is stale. Ratings are down. These are viewer trends we see week after week."" What do you think about this statement someone said? They won't listen to me, but perhaps you can knock some sense into them when I show them your reply...

ANewMoose’s Profile PhotoMoose
Well the first and third points are factually wrong. The block is doing better than ever and we routinely win the night every Saturday. The second point is purely subjective- one person's "stale" is another person's "perfect." That's about all I can, or need to say.

Why are executives under the impression the only revenue source for western action cartoons are the toys and not the TV ratings, discs, merch, etc.? It seems if the toys don't sell, no matter how everything else is doing, it gets the plug pulled, and it's killing action cartoons here.

Well you can blame execs but the fact is no one buys DVDs and Blu-Rays anymore. It's not a significant revenue stream. Kids aren't buying as many toys either. And you only get to the level of "merch" like you're talking about when you have a sizable hit show, one big enough to convince big box retailers to stock your stuff. Ad revenue, meanwhile, continues to shrink, as does ratings for action cartoons. It's easy to blame the mean ol network execs, but marketplace forces are marketplace forces and networks don't make shows for charity. People are turning away from action cartoons, in general. What you're seeing on TV just reflects that lack of demand. Sad but true.

Why would you say exclusivity is the Achilles heel of streaming? You wouldn't consider exclusivity to be an Achilles heel for Adult Swim would you?

You aren't paying for Adult Swim. You're paying for 150 channels of which we are one. Streaming services have predicated their value on the idea that you pay much less for their services, with a ton of content. But if there are four major streaming services, all with exclusive content, the average person is not going to pay for all four. So they have to compete with one another for space. Exclusivity is about to become the norm and we are all going to find ourselves increasingly in situations like the Kanye/TIDAL exclusive scenario.

No idea if you've been asked this already or not, but what do you make of Amazon Prime's move into anime streaming? It's pretty bold but infuriating since they don't have a huge worldwide reach and they're exclusively streaming only one show right now

They're just following the model of Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll etc. "Exclusivity" is the Achilles heel of streaming services.

have u heard of/listened to the infamous A Tribe Called Quest track "Georgie Porgie" in which they downright talk harsh about gays?

Yep I've heard it. Homophobia has always been rampant in hip hop, even in more "enlightened" circles. Things are getting better but back then, it was terrible.

I didn't get the [as] internship :'( I'm jk about the emoticon. It's no sweat. Though, I am wondering if you have any tips about how to get my foot in the TV development door? I'm getting closer to graduation, and I'm starting to feel the heat. My summer internship hunt has been fairly dismal.

Not much you can do other than keep pounding the pavement and looking for internships and entry level jobs. You'll get there, just keep trying.
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

Speaking of Star Fox, in the past you seemed to have a somewhat negative opinion on the WiiU overall. Has that changed recently? I know my own opinion changed as they have made more games that use the Pro controller instead of the gamepad gimmick. How about you?

The Wii U is, by far, the absolute worst console on the market. The only reason to own one is because Nintendo still makes great games. It's been years- like, since the Nintendo 64- since they made a console deserving of their software.
Liked by: Arthur Mesa

Is there any accuracy to the stereotype that tv executives pay too much attention to focus group testing and the like? Do you think it's unfair to think of tv executives as being this way?

I just don't think it's super common, at least in my experience.

Any experience with fighting tickets? A cop decided to pull me over today because I had my phone in my hands for two seconds to silence a call but apparently that was enough to warrant a $150 ticket. I'm not entirely sure if I can plead not guilty since I said I had it in my hands, etc

My experience is, don't fight tickets. There's a 90% chance you will waste a morning and still have to pay. Just let it go.

Hey man, I know you guys sent out hundreds of those Toonami pins, but from me and everyone else, just wanted to say thanks. Just got mine today. It always feels good when the big company dishes out some cool free stuff to the fans. Hope you guys do it again so other fans can feel the love. Keepit up

Thanks for letting me know!

My girlfriend broke it off a week ago with little warning after a year together. She wouldn't even tell me to my face, her friend had to let me in to get my stuff. I want to get her back, what can I do? I'm giving plenty space right now without contact.

I'm sorry but when someone does this, they do not want to get back together. I know it sucks and I think it's a shitty, cowardly way to break up with someone, and you deserved better. BUT. When it's over, it's over. As much as you wish it weren't so, it's time for you to move on. Good luck man.
Liked by: Blanchard


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