
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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well, even Boomerang doesnt show much classics, mostly the same stuff CN plays like classic Tom & Jerry and Looney Tunes while none of the rare stuff ever air and even Flinstones airs only at 1am. It consists of mostly CGI Garfield and Courage reruns and even reruns of Teen Ttians Go and Gumball..

Look, what do you want, a channel where every show happens to appeal to you personally? You realize that's not possible, right? CN and Boomerang have lineups that draw ratings. That's the whole point of the exercise. To get ppl to watch. If you want the old shows, they're all over the Internet...

Do Southerners really not like New York?

Not in my experience. I've found that by and large, New Yorkers are often surprisingly dismissive of other regions of the country, but no one in Atlanta that I know ever talks shit about NY.

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If the Illuminati doesn't exist then why are so many people trying to cover them up?

LOL like who man. Grow up.

Cartoon Network used to be a channel that had programming for all ages, not just kids. Many of the older animated programs that used to air no longer do. Where are these shows stored? Does Turner have a vault of some type where the tapes of these shows are? Are they cared for?

CN has always been a place for shows that appeal mostly to kids, with some that reach broader. It still is. You want old shows, watch Boomerang.
Liked by: Trayce Car

Do you know by any chance the songs that played in the background? I heard EL-P as one of the songs. Plus if you don't know, Who may I ask?

Uh, played in the background of what?
Liked by: Jefferies Herrera

New York's Pigeons and Rats could beat up Atlanta's Pigeons and Rats just saying!

ATL doesn't even have many pigeons man. Our raccoons would kill both of em.

If you are skipping Momocon to avoid really cringey questions, I totally and completely do not blame you. Some of those were painful to listen to even as just a spectator.

No, the questions from the audience have nothing to do with it.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Haha in all seriousness, as much as I like the older Disney stuff, Cartoon Network, specifically the Toonami block, opened up the doors for me to get into watching anime. Thank you for that.

Thanks for letting me know!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

You should move to New York City

Hm I like visiting NYC but it's one of the last places on earth I would ever want to live, sorry.

When was the last time you watched Ranma 1/2? I just watches the first few episodes again after, maybe, 10 years? Still great.

I re-watched when they released the Blu boxed sets. Classic.

What's your opinion on Camille Paglia?

Well I'm somewhat out of my depth talking about her. She's a complicated and important figure in criticism, and I can see both a case being made FOR or AGAINST her. She seems divisive more amongst other feminists than to the public in general, probably because she expends so much energy attacking other feminists. I haven't read a lot of her work so beyond that, I don't feel qualified to offer comment.

what do you think of the film "The Holy Mountain"?

I'm not s HUGE fan of non-linear film in general, but there are some amazing sequences in that one. I don't slobber over Jodorowsky like some, but it's undeniable that he knows how to create remarkable moods and images. Long live Jodorowsky.

Ok Your Right about the acting reflects with the times. But shouldn't that be a merit? when comes it a movie felling dated even like Godfather 2 & Godfather 3 are reflection of their time. shouldnt term be "HOLDS UP for its time" not "it still HOLDS UP today" since you cant change the times im cufus

Uh no the term literally means "though it is of its time, it's still very entertaining today." So I'm not sure how you're confused but... The term makes sense.

in an interview you guys did with madlib he said that he gets 2 hours of sleep every night, is that true? how is it possible?

I mean, I only get 4, usually. So yeah.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty


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