
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Any chance that Toonami will feature more music videos in the near future? I always enjoy watching those!

We feature one on average every three weeks, so just stay tuned! Glad you dig em!

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Why did you have a talking cat in IGPX?

Because it's an awesome idea everyone would have happen if they could?

http://youtu.be/oCd6SQ67k-Y What do you think of this new Tyler x A$AP track? How does it compare to the original Kanye song?

I prefer the original but I like that. The excitement that clip generated should be a lesson to Tyler- his production is a mess and it would be nice to hear him rap over other people's beats.

Thoughts on the Beastie Boys?

First three records are classic. Next two are solid. Last few are mediocre. My personal fav is Paul's Boutique, which is just a masterful collage of samples.
Liked by: hellfish

Have you listened to The Life of Pablo yet or are you holding out for an iTunes/Physical release? If you have already, what's your take on it?

No I had it day one. I love it. Too early to say where it fits into his discography but it's packed with great/memorable tunes.

Has there ever been times where you guys want to acquire the rights to a specific anime and end up not doing so because of how many cuts would have to be made?

Yes, a recent example would be Lupin The Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine.
Liked by: corey barnes

I'm watching AKIRA for the first time this weekend. Should I watch the subtitled or dubbed version? Thanks

Honestly for AKIRA you're good either way. Knowing it's a good dub, I'd prefer that in this case, so I could really concentrate on the amazing visuals. The sub is good too though, so you're good either way.

Hey jason how many tv shows have you produced?

Two, with some pilots that never saw the light of day, and some exec production on other shows that wasn't full time work.
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

I'm a senior in high school. I want to be a tv show producer. How would I go about achieving this?

Go to college and learn all about tv production. Meet as many ppl as you can and do as much work as you can. Learn everything you can about tv production. When you graduate (or before), try to get an internship at a network or production studio. Make a good impression, make good contacts, and you have a good chance of getting work in the business. Good luck!

How can I pitch a reality TV show to a network?

Pitch meetings happen after someone has read your pitch and agrees to a meeting, or because someone who knows a person at the network gets you a meeting. That person is usually a producer or agent. If you want to pitch, you need a solid concept with as much go back it up as possible, and you need someone to help you get in the door. If you can get an agent, that's a good start.


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