
Double Est

Ask @exokiss88

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hahahaha tapi nanti bila saya masuk degree dulu then saya bagitau akak saya belajr mana kalau dekat kita jumpa. Lagi okaaay kalau sama uni hahahah tapi chance mcm tipis je huhuhu

hehehe All the best ^^

hmm baiklah hehehehe. Kak afi, nanti kan kalau saya dh masuk degree kita jumpa nk? hehehe

Boleh boleh ^^

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hahaha masak tu selalu je tolong igt lepas asasi nk buat lesen or nk kerja tapi parents tak approve huhuhuhuh sedih

Oh.. cer bincg ngan diorg baik2 kalo ade lesen senang kalo pepehal ^^

I DO ENVY U SO MUCH afii.. How can u get ur parents permission so easy while me here have to begging my dad to allow me even its just to study in Oz.. Arggghh..

Awww ~ Try talk to them again ^^

Wah afi nak sambung kat korea? Tak takut ke? You have any relatives ke kat korea? Bukan senang duduk tempat orang sebenarnya lagi lagi a lot of non-muslim there. I'm not trying to be a racist but if u think u can take care of yrself then it's okay ;D

Yes ^^ Pray for me ^^

Biasalah tu afi. Mak saya pun susah nak let go bila dapat tau saya nak apply abroad U. Dia selalu cakap kalau ada yg dekat, ambik je yg dekat. I love my mom. She is too caring <3 I think your mom was like that too. Or not? ;)

Yes same hehehee ^^

ohh hehe final exam bila? saya sekarang baru habis asasi taktau nk buat apa kat umah

Final akhir bulan 6 ^^ Awww ~ duduk umah tolong mak masak la hehehe *wink*

sekarang ni kak afi tahun keberapa? actuarial sc tu berapa tahun?

4 Tahun and akak skung nak habis tahun 2 dh ^^

You're planning to have ur master in korea? Do ur parents agree with it? Eeyyy or is it ur excuse to see OT10 lively? Lol~ the last one is a joke afii :D

Hahhahaha eyyyyyy ~ Yeah my father allow it ^^ but my mom.. Its a little bit difficult for her to let me further my study abroad but she still okay with that ^^

Afi ambik foundation kat mana? I mean not the exact place. Like saya ambik form 6 and if saya apply UPU dapat terus degree so afi macam mana? Matriks ke?

Afi amek asasi.. then terus sambung degree kat university yg same ^^

Moonkyu dari hotshot tu bekas sm trainee ke? Kenapa dia banyak kenal dengan group from sm eh?

Yup bekas

To the anon that said we asked Afi weird/unique questions to find her fault, x baik sangka buruk tau.. Sbagai rakyat m'sia, saje je nk tau pndangan rakyat yg lain -.-

Awwww ~~ ^^

pandainyaaaa amek foundation! mesti result spm akak gempak kan :p all the best jugak ^^

Thank you dear ^^ Fighting !


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