
kai lora vassallo

Ask @hijinx

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It's your meet-up... Last I heard you hated me and I was annoying. .-.

It's not my meet, it's the MCRmy. And if you can convince whoever to let you go to london, I don't see why not.
Liked by: Loser

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I still ly. I'll probably fangirl when i meet you and Hana cause your two of my favourite admins ever

Omg everyone's treating us like we're Gerard & Frank and omg it's perf. ;3
Hana's the Gerard to my Frank anyway. ♥
Liked by: Leigh

I know asdfghlrw;jGK

If someone brings me ciggies/ lets me rob some ciggies I will literally love them 5eva

I will :') Ily2. I will probably be wearing my Drop Dead jumper and a pair of red and white jeans. I'll be the incredibly short person with dark red hair hiding in the corner not talking to anyone :)

Omg I can't wait now asdfghjkl.17 days until I go to London, 19 days until the meet. SKjdnf

You do.. ;3 I will, I'm just naturally shit at social situations.

Omg aw ily
It's okay, I'll be wearing a kobra kid jacket and I'll have my new rocks on. Just look for the loud scouse midget, who's probably got a fag in her gob. :')

You two are amazing together! I'll see you there, maybe I'll say hi, depends how shy I'm feeling :)

Do I spy another Bellajinx shipper? ;3
Omg yeah, come say hi, I'm not as much as a knob as I make myself out to be I swear.

MATT followed me adsaglfh;dshj *hugs* are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good now anon. I know i'm definately going to london and I'm finally going to meet Hana and omg cannot

*hugs* I needed a hug :)

Same omg anon. :(
But Brian Schetcher and Matt Pelisser tweeted me so it's all hunky dory.

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

Heat omg. I'm like half maltese and I cannot cope with cold for shit

What was the first MCR song/album you heard EVER O_o

I'm not okay / Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. Way back 9 years ago when I was six.
Liked by: ~Whoreo~♋


Language: English