
kai lora vassallo

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-this is Blake here oh- yes, it is my preferred pronoun:3 and anon dw about it, as long as you remember in future:3

There you go c:

Who is Conner doran?

He was my best friend from the start of year 7 until I left halewood in mid year 9, I love him to bits, he's a proper laugh and just as mental as ever c:

i've seen her on your ask a load, was wondering what you think of blake grant? cuz i think she's cool but some people call her stuck up and stuff and i wanted your opinion.

I don't really know him enough to cast a judgement. He's cool I guess

Hello, random new person here, was just casually stalking this. Like wow, holy shit you get tonnes of hate, you don't deserve this shit bc you're really nice? Like all the bitchy anons should just leave you alone fucking hell

Thank you so much kind anon c:

Bad Pollyanna are absolutely brilliant! I've seen them twice now. Oct 2012, and Whitby :) ((boy do I have a story to tell you about the Whitby one when I meet you xD))

Oh Christ I'm looking forward to this :')

Same with you! I can't wait. I'm so excited to be seeing the FVK boys again. Missed them so much :') looking forward to the others, too

Don't Stop! Go! are amazing tbh, and the Dead XIII are really good. I haven't seen Bad Polyanna like c:

Yeah it does! That's how we've been saying it :) yayy~

Hehe, I can't wait to meet you guys! The gig is going to be so good c:

No problem. They're getting really stupid now. Just one more thing~ the name question reminded me. How exactly do you pronounce Kai? I just realized it's less than 2 weeks until I meet you and I don't wanna be making an idiot out of myself by saying it wrong. x

Thank you again aha, it's K-eye if that makes sense c:

Yo. Me and Ashy have seen this anons going off for the past few days and stuff and they're getting ridiculous now. I understand people's opinions with the song; but that's over now. You're just trying to find reasons to pick on Kai now, just to get to her. Leave it. It's over.

Thank you so much Harley & Ash x

Hey. I was just wondering; is there any particular reason you don't like your real name?

It's a long story really. Laura Dalzell are both names that come from my father. After what happened with him, I've had no contact with him for around 3 years. I want nothing to do with him at all, hence changing my name to Kai Vassallo, Vassallo being a name from my mothers side of the family.
Hope that helped x

'you're not helping??' dude it's just an ask it's not like the end of the world if you delete it. You're being an asshole to me when I'm just giving you advice? I actually feel sorry for you, theres no need to act that way

You came across like an arse, and to be honest, I'm not in the best mood, because if you haven't noticed, I've got a shit tonne of hate that I don't fucking need over the past week or so. I'm sorry okay? I don't know what more I can fucking do. I try to be nice, it doesn't get noticed. All anyone does is fucking criticise me, even when I try my best. I'm fucking done. I'm fucking done with you bullshit anons.

'just leave it please' if youre that sick of hate why not block anons? delete your ask? its not like you use it for anything other than answering band q's which can be done on the band ask, or receiving hate anyway.

I'm seriously considering it. And you're not helping.

You're not an absolute cunt, the fault was with me not being clear:') and tbh I need a little kick up the arse, I correct people too much:3 x

No it's okay, I'm so sorry though :c
This hate is driving me up the fucking wall. I'm seriously considering deleting this. It's causing far too much bullshit that I don't need right now. I'm so sorry man :c x

Awks that was a different anon haha are you just mean to everyone? They were sticking up for you?

I didn't realise that? Besides, it's getting harder to differentiate with the amount of hate I'm actually getting right now. I've apologised to that anon, so just leave it please.

I was talking to the other anon not you oh my god I'm sorry :c

I'm so sorry! I wasn't certain, and I'm getting a bit sick of these anons. I'm sorry, I must have taken it the wrong way, sorry for being an absolute cunt :c x

And you're not "Kai the all knowing" you're Laura the ordinary girl who just thinks she's better than she really is

I don't like being called Laura. Why can you not accept that?

~~~stop using the word retarded to describe things it's really offensive have you ever heard of the words stupid or silly or the billion other words in the English language that you could have used instead?~~~

Thank you. Retarded is a stupid word. It's meaningless. My mother got told she was retarded as a child because he had dyslexia, she got no gcses yet got a first class honours degree in education and is now studying for a pHD in children's voice.
"Retarded" is a bullshit word.

It is Scouse slang- it may also be Scottish slang. Just like "bangers and mash" is not only British slang but Australian and Kiwi too.

Doesn't mean that I actually was aware of that. What are you? My English teacher?

No, and you're right in what you're saying, but claiming it's "scouse slang" is retarded. Not the only example of her trying to sound hard though, I'd give more examples but this box will only let me type so much.

Well I'm sorry I'm not aware of the dialect used in other areas of the country. Forgot I'm like Kai the all knowing.

how does one calm down if you've been upset? (nothing to do with any of these questions from before just coming for advice)

Speak to someone who makes you happy, eat something, listen to music, write something. That normally works for me, hope you're okay soon! x


Language: English