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Bila balik uni han?bukan han ada family day ke weekend ni?Alhamdulillah M sihat je ni.Just got home from work. Penat sikit haha

Hi M! Sorry for the late reply, harini ramai orang tak sihat dekat rumah so busy sikit. Oh haah this weekend, after family day terus balik uni. Your working hours dari pukul berapa sampai 11pm?
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

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Haah bahaya la han,banyak kes kidnap orang sekarang.Better becareful kan.So han,surat2 tu sume han simpan mana?tak terasa nak baca semula ke 🤔 and da tebal mana 😁 han buat apa je harini?sihat ke?

Hee alright, dah lama dah tak buat aktiviti merayau tu sebab malas haha. Simpan dalam fail je, ada yang dah baca dah. Takdela banyak pun, I wrote bila rajin je and bila rasa nak keep the memories for my future self. Harini unproductive sikit, tengah cari motivation untuk packing nak balik uni. Alhamdulillah sihat, M?
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

Jika cinta dilihat dari fisik,lalu untuk apa hati diciptakan?

Untuk jadi manusia yang berhati perut terhadap yang lainnya

Kalo punya uang sisa 10ribu tapi kamu lapar, kira kira bakal beli makanan apa yang kenyangin?

Alamak tak tahu, 10ribu lepas untuk beli apa je :/

Semoga kakak han cepat sembuh 😇 Eh merayau kl sorang2,tak takut ke han?da la perempuan 🤔 is a bit dangerous. Entah apa la han tulis kat situ eh haha mesti pasal events,pasal crush 😁 rajin lak menulis utk masa depan,you are very sentimental i guess

InshaAllah amin, terima kasih M :) Masa merayau tu tak fikir bahaya ke apa haha jiwa muda kan fikir nak explore new places je. Tapi lepas ramai kata bahaya tu dah tak buat lagi. Hahhahah pasal crush tu takdela sangat, benda tak penting. Normally I congratulate myself sebab hidup lagi haha. I used to write untuk myself bila ada events, contoh macam lagi beberapa tahun graduate so I wrote a letter for myself yang dah graduate tu. Hahhaa I think you're right about the sentimental part.
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

What happened to your old sibling?is he okay now? Idk if it sounds cool to others but walking around alone in a store,it makes me so happy and enjoying my "me time" 😊 Oh writing letters to future self 🤔 Sounds weird but in a interesting way.Wish if i can see some of it hehe

She had a fever, still recovering I guess. Idk about walking around in the store (never done that yet) but yes walking around alone does makes one happy. Last time I used to walk around kl all by myself. It was a great experience, getting lost here and there haha.
Haha it does sounds weird but it's cool. You should try to do it someday, or maybe you could construct an email to be send back to you in the future (my friend did it once). It is interesting because from the letters, you can actually see how much you've grown. You can observe the way you think when you're younger and how it changes a lot now. Nahhh I won't let you see mine, I didn't even let my family touch it 😂 it's only between my younger, current and future self.
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

Alright. Kalau macam tu, Hannah rasa patut ke & nak ke saya tunjukkan diri? Maksud saya, untick, not being an anonymous. Supaya tak ada kekeliruan. If I'm not being an anonymous, maybe we can talk more. It's up to you.

The choice is totally yours my friend. I don't mind, but I do think that would be a great idea.
+6 answers in: “Sorry.”

Boleh jugak kan panggil Hannah? Mungkin lama lama tak kekok kalau biasa panggil. I see, okay. Hannah boleh panggil saya ‘awak’ atau ‘you’. Saya dah bekerja.

Hmmmm boleh je panggil hannah. Guys there's more than one anonymous dah, you guys should choose a nickname so I don't get mixed up 😔 lain lah kalau korang semua orang yang sama (that would be a plot twist haha) soooooo you gotta pick a name now, create one if you don't want to disclose your real name heh. Cool, kerja apa?
+6 answers in: “Sorry.”

Haha why suspicious me being your brother,no la im not Tak pelik ke adik beradik main askfm and texting together 😂 Why han?are you okay?sakit ke? Well,solatlah dulu. After than we will talk later okay han

Hahhaha entah, takut kena troll je. Oh I'm fine, totally fine. It was my older sibling. Sorry I took so long to reply.
Anyway back to the earlier topic, cool hobby you got there. Apart from fishing, I too love having solo walks around places. It's really refreshing to spend our free times on ourselves.
My hobby eh? Hm 🤔 as I told you before, running and jogging. I also love to write letters for my future self (does it sounds weird?) Idk if I can call it a hobby but I really find it calming.
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

Im not ignoring your question han 😅 i just dont know how to answer haha My birthday,october?han july kan

okay you're not my brother phew I'm glad 😌 that question meant nothing hahha I was just trying to figure out that youre not my brother, silly me.
I will answer your previous questions later, just got back from a clinic haven't done my isya' prayer yet. Talk to you later! I apologize for having such suspicious thinking towards you 🙏
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

Eh sama 6 orang siblings 😋 you should call me abang then tau han hahaha,my hobby?i used to fishing back then whenever i got some free time.Others than that,i love to walk around in supermarkets like tesco,giant or mydin or ecoshop,dll.Suka sangat duk jalan2 sorang dalam tempat camtu.Han lak,hbu?

Wait, are you actually my abang??! Abang is that you???? Second child from 6 siblings, working and age range below 30 (?) Please expose your account now hahhaha
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

You're welcome. Tak keberatan pun. Jomm.

Hi there, nama hannah tapi boleh panggil han je. Rasa kekok sikit bila orang panggil hannah sebab biasa member semua panggil han. What's more to tell eh hm ok I'm still studying. What about you?
+6 answers in: “Sorry.”

Alhamdulillah kira macam event family a ni 😅 ramai2 pose 6 ye Oh so total sibling included han,3 orang je la,if you were the 2nd child and so do i 😋

Oh you're the second child but I'm not. I'm the fourth hehe tapi I have both sulung and bongsu characters 😂 so you're the second from how many siblings?
+42 answers in: “What does your name mean?☺”

Yeah. Kadang kadang kesilapan mengajar kita. Lagu raya masih kedengaran, open house masih lagi ada, so, belum terlambat. Selamat Hari Raya juga kepada Hannah.

Heee thank you 😊 kalau tak keberatan, jomlah berkenalan ✌️
+6 answers in: “Sorry.”


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