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How did you lose your best friend?

She moved out and we lost contact. Found her few years ago but the feeling is not there. awkward.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

RiyanZul’s Profile Photozu
Depends on my mood tbh. If I were already into books, I will spend my time reading. Or if I'm into drama/movie, I'll hop from one drama/movie to another until I tear out smh.
Liked by: zu

rasa rasa perlu tak aku percaya dia tak on wassap dsbbkan fon dia rosak? n then dia bgtw kat ig yg dia guna fon mmbe dia. (( duduk kolej )) . tapi tgok kat ig sentiasa on hahahahahaha🤔 😚😚

something fishy going on, jangan percaya :') try call, baru tahu phone rosak ke tak
Liked by: sai Q
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Kanak-kanak mempunyai tahap kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy) or bakat (talent) ? Who is better ? Why ?

Afiq XD
From my pov, kanak kanak yang ada tahap kepercayaan diri adalah lebih baik. Berbakat sahaja tak membawa pada kejayaan kalau tak percaya diri. Seseorang yang ada kepercayaan diri akan lebih bersemangat untuk lakukan sesuatu walaupun tiada bakat.
Liked by: sai Afiq XD Q Oby
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Kenapa makcik kampung kuat membawang?

Tak tahu geng, biasanya saya diam je kalau tiba tiba stuck dengan geng geng dorang. Dan masa ni la bersyukur sebab introvert, tak banyak bercakap dan banyak memerhati. Something like I'm quiet but I be knowing who's bad around here 😏
Liked by: sai Q Oby Maslinda Mahari


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