

Ask @jackisawesomeee

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How much money do you need to feel rich?

Nothing. Feel rich with beauty and happiness that you get to live.

Who was the last person you hugged?

Erm, myself. I was cold. Don't judge me.
Nah... I wasn't cold. I just felt the need to.

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And guess what, you're too perfect and too beautiful

You have launched me on a heroic quest to find out who this sweet anon is.

If I hadn't know you I would've thought you were those cute, hot jap/korean/Filipino/Chinese models or actors

Oh dear god, know, that is really flattering but not for a second do I ever compare myself to those people. They are so flawless and so hot. They are too perfect and too beautiful ;-; no way XD I don't even look like them

You make people smile easily, you don't even need to talk. Just that wave on the video and your dp OMG.

I hope it's that xD, I don't wanna make people pout Right? XD
But naaaw, that's sweet of you to say :3
I'm sure you make a lot of people smile in your own unique way (:
Liked by: Ash ♔

First three people to like this gets 30 likes?

I've been denied access to like any answers cause I used it to like Paul's answers XD

You seem to really understand a lot about love..

Hold up, I'm only 14 and been in two relationships, I don't think I'm expert or understand it all, but I speak from experiences :s

If you like someone that isn't interested or is taken, how do you deal with it?

Okay, I would have to know they aren't interested or if they're taken right? Even if they are taken, they may be interested, so I would be kinda disappointed if they aren't interested.
But after that, I'll attempt, stressing out the word attempt, to stop communicating or at least make my crushing or liking or loving them too much. Don't wanna make a situation worse.

What types of movies do you like?

I am in love with wedding movies no kidding, Romantic Comedy, Sometimes horror, singing/dancing films, films that have good story lines and makes you sit on the edge of your seat :3
Liked by: rea

wait wait wait wait, so your uncle is mentle?

*Mental xD, no im not a grammar nazi, but i felt the need to correct that.
But yes, he is :S He doesn't live with us though, he got kicked out when he was 14 by my Grandma cause he kept stealing stuff from her. he still does that today, but he's married to someone who will take care of him, so I'm happy for him, just that he should really stop stealing cars xD, its getting too repetitive...

like my latest post for a gift?

kiarawells’s Profile PhotoKiara
omg, i would honestly want a gift, but my liking thing is disabled cause i liked too much of someone's answers Dx guess i wont be getting that gift :(
Liked by: Isabella

Who are your heroes?

Not just my hero, he was my family's hero. With strict parents and stuff, he lived his life through rough conditions. He was a principal in Cambodia, teaching kids English, then when the Cambodian War commenced, a family was dying with a son, and asked him to take care of their son as they died, so he did (although unrelated, he is now my uncle I guess, but he's traumatized, so he's kinda mental :S)
So he escaped the country under risk of being killed with my grandma and my mom and my uncle to Australia, where my mom met my dad (who was her distant cousin).
When my grandma abused my sibs and I, my gramps told her to stop.
After she passed, he stayed strong.
He still drops me to school every morning. So, yeah, he's pretty cool if you ask me.
Liked by: Glen Gleek

What's the perfect place for a first date?

my house is cosy. my room is hotel material. so why dont you just crash at my place.

Which artist/band's lyrics do you think applies to you or means a lot to you the most?

Definitely, obviously the three mentioned as the artists I want Glee to cover as tribute episodes: Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and Kelly Clarkson. Their lyrics mean a lot to me. Coldplay's lyrics relate to me too.
I think Taylor Swift, her lyrics relate to my love life a lot, because things in my love life are complicated and messed up, but it also gives me hope to have fun and enjoy. Demi and Kelly is the more painful, isolated, lonely part, and also the part that relates to my strength? And Coldplay is a mix of them all.
Skrillex means a lot to me, because when I'm having seizures, it reminds me of dubstep. Okay, that was obviously a joke. If you took that seriously, well, butthurt much.
Liked by: rea

omg so much people are crazy about you, remember that time this year when a lot of people liked you and you didnt know how to handle it, cause you didnt want to hurt them.

Yupp, but that was only because, it all happened in the same week.
One second, you have someone telling you that they like you, then the next, another. But I think, in the end, I handled it quite well. No one was hurt, but if you were, let's talk about it? xD


Language: English