

Ask @jackisawesomeee

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urgh, people weren't supposed to like it o.o but fine, 5 things: 1. Our inside jokes (chicken, pig, etc.) 2. How scared you are of random likers LOL 3. You're nice to almost everyone 4. One of my bestest friends here 5. Adorable :3

monikasamm’s Profile Photomonika
LOL, thank cua my chicken pig lady <3
Liked by: monika

is there a character you share any personal with?

melcrss’s Profile PhotoMelinda
I think Kurt, Dave and Rachel. Kurt, defs had a bullying experience similar to his. Dave, I don't think I went as far as attempting to hang myself but I did contemplate suicide a few times. Rachel, at some point, I had no friends, and everybody hated me and I sort of felt what they felt?
One that isn't so personal is Brittany? I'm bi and at school I try to keep up with that care-free personality =P
Liked by: Melinda


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