

Ask @ladykaddy

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(always know that the more y's a person puts in their heys the more sexual they're trying to be #commonknowledge)

heyy do you make your covers for your stories on your own or does someone make them for you? and if you do it on your own, which app or website do you use? i kinda need help with mine xD

alright so first thing i do is find a good pic. you wanna look for one that has space to fit is text. use pintrest or weheartit for those.
then i use Phonto (best app ever). it lets you use filters and insert texts with hundreds of fonts. and you can change the colours, insert other images, add shadow to the writing, underline it, move it around, make it smaller, etc.
that's it. have fun being creative and let me know how it works out :D

u seem really stylish. what sorta clothes do u wear?? i"m really digging the headbands

I'm into lots of vintage pieces. Anything I can wear as a headdress is a must buy. Mostly because I have a tiny forehead so I can rock a middle parting (only when my hair is straight which is once in a blue moon).
But I don't really have an interest in fashion anymore. I just like anything quirky and nerdy and comfortable and cute. I wish I could look cute all the time but the effort to put on makeup and do my hair is too much so I barely dress up anymore.
I'm like a mix of bohemian, grunge and hobo. Mostly hobo. Almost always hobo.

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show us your septum piercing

i cant. it's up my nose. flipped up. forever. i need to figure out how to unscrew the balls and take out the wretched ring.
i should probably call up my piercer and ask him to take this thing out of me. i hate it so much. thank god i can pretend it doesnt exist half the time. i blame my 16 year old self for doing something so stupid. honestly, what was I thinking? 40 quid for a hole between my nostrils. what. was. i. thinking??!!

what do you sound like??? do you have an accent?

because I pronounce my t's I get called out by all my friends for sounding white which is stupid because how can a person sound like a race??? it's so frustrating. don't get me started on all the times I've been called a motherfucking oreo.
i am not. a. damned. biscuit.
i am a fucking person
and i am black.
don't exclude me from an entire race just because of my pronunciation and because i so happen to be literate and educated.
people these days. damn.

How do you prefer to travel?

i feel so awful right now. i haven't been to school in 5 days and my anxiety levels are sky rocketing and i can't remember the last time i ate and my teachers won't stop calling me and i can't revise bc i can't concentrate for the life of me and everything really sucks right now.
Liked by: Queen Naja

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

1989 tour tickets
a publishing contract
an offer from university of cambridge
Liked by: ivy

Are you a city or a nature person?

I'm a 'skip school for two days and watch the first season of Attack on Titan in one sitting' kind of person :)
Liked by: ivy

-(2) I wish i could fit all my thoughts in here, or on wattpad but theres so much I have to say to you. This book, honestly, changed my life. If you are willing to give me your email, just message it to me on wattpad (my user is melwhitesides) You are so amazing. Thank you. Just, thank you so much

I messaged you on Wattpad. did you get it or...?

Hi, I've recently finished reading one of your stories on wattpad. Breaking the Bad Boy really made me feel something. I was wondering if there was an email i could reach you at, just to express everything I feel, because I want you to know. This book it was phenomenal. (1)-

Thank you so much for taking time out of your life to read BTBB. It means the world to me ❤❤

Ever thought about getting published?

for the past month I've been working on a fantasy novel that i really want to try and get published but it's too hard and complex and i feel like scrapping the idea and never writing again because nothing sounds the way i want it to.
publishing would be a great achievement but my writing isn't polished enough and it's killing me right now.

Sometimes you come across a book that really does make a difference in your life. It makes you obsess over everything, and you just want to reread it again and again. Listening to Lucas was like that for me, thank you!!

from the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much ❤

So just to be clear in Elysian Promethus died? You have a talent btw x and it's writing x

Ellie (ellion)
Like Hades said; he'll be punished for his crime against the gods and then he'll be set free. Though, knowing Zeus, I'm sure Prometheus will be cut down in some freak accident later on anyway. The gods are ruthless when it comes down to vengeance.
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)

What made your day today?

I just completed an engineering spring school at QMUL and it was honestly such an amazing experience. I went in, at the start of the week, thinking that I'd hate it. That I'd spent so long in isolation I wouldn't know how to talk to people my age without freaking out. But it was amazing how easily I fit into the shoes of my past self. Confidence just came (I was faking it but no one noticed). It was nice.
The student ambassadors were phenomenal. One girl called Ella, in particular, just got me. We clicked. She made it so easy for me to talk without having to panic about saying the wrong thing. Then, today, I won 2nd place for the poster presentation we had to do in front of actual academics and it was just crazzzyyy. I presented an idea to lecturers and had real conversations with them without having a panic attack. I'm so proud of myself.
I'm kinda sad I messed up last year because I could be heading to university in a few months, but I've got another year of waiting to do. At least, I know for sure, now, that engineering isn't really for me.
I'm good. I'm getting there. Maybe I'll become an ambitious, arrogant brat again. *hooray*

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Do you like being alone?

I love it so much. I love it too much. I love it more than anything. To enjoy your own company that much should be illegal. I just... I love spending time with myself SO much it's just.... wow.
I get the same big swell in my chest that I get when I write. When I'm alone, it's amazing. I don't have to pretend anymore. I don't have to look over my shoulder before talking out loud. It's just me and the voice in my head having a conversation. She's kinda hilarious.
(i sound schizophrenic but i'm not, i swear)

What websites do you go to everyday?

Tab 1: Wattpad
Tab 2: Google Docs
Tab 3: Tumblr
Tab 4: Twitter
Tab 5: Youtube
Tab 6: Link to The 100/OITNB/HTGAWM/etc
Tab 7: Google (bunch of definitions as I write)
Tab 8: new tab
Tab 9: new tab (i forgot about the other one)
Tab 10: more definitions
Tab 11: song lyrics
Tab 12: ad which plays cheesy music (it takes me ten minutes to find this bitch and exit the page)
Tab 13: new tab
Tab 14: Hotmail
*realises that the computer is lagging and groans bc the cheesy music has started again and it's gonna take years to find that fucking tab*
*angrily exits everything*
*realises that she forgot to click save story on wattpad*
*cries/howls on the inside*
*starts again*
Tab 1: Wattpad

What would've happened to Tyler if Ashley died when she saved him? (Im now reading Forever & Always and this question popped up in my head)

I have no clue. That's like me asking you, "So if you didn't punch that bitch in second grade, what would've happened to her?"
You can come up with an answer of your own. Any outcome. But I'm too lazy and not in the right frame of mind to start planning an alternative plot to a story I completed almost a year ago.
Have fun with your own imagination and go wild! :)

How to deal with negativity?

I don't 'deal' with it at all. I destroy that shit. Nobody has the power to hurt me but myself. The second I see something that has the potential to dampen my mood or is plain right racist/sexist/homophobic/etc, I delete it. Then I delete that person.
This goes for my readers and my friends in real life.
I don't give second chances. I don't retaliate. I simply wipe them from my life like washing my fucking hands clean of dirt.
You know the saying, 'What you don't know can't hurt you.'
It's true; and it applies toward negativity. If you can't see the negative comment, it can't hurt you.
If I can't see your words, then what power do you have to hurt me? :)
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)

What problems did you have in school?

Do* Ask.fm. Do!
Today I got into an altercation with my chemistry teacher and I put that dickhead in his rightful place. Literally, I just lost it (calmly, of course.) My class gave me a round of applause while our teacher blinked in surprise because I had a nerve to demand why he rarely bothers teaching us anything relevant. Even the guys who often mess around in class congratulated me because I was the only person with the guts to stand up with our fuckface teacher.
God, did it feel good to let that steam out. He just sat there and took everything I threw his way. Boom! Slap! Kick! Punch! (Metaphorically speaking, duh!)
And it serves him right because I'm not failing Chemistry just bc he can't teach to save his life.
"Sir, what's a primary alcohol?"
"Uh, umm... Uh... You tell me."
"But I asked you the question... What is a primary alcohol?"
"You should already know this."
"No, I shouldn't. We started learning about alcohols today."
"Read up on it."
I mean, I asked him for help and he said, "No. Use the textbook." Like COME ON, MATE!!! Are you paid to teach or direct me to a fucking useless textbook?!
If you guys have teachers who are unjust and useless then kindly point out their errors. And if they fail to note that then embarrass them in front of the whole class because you have a right to an education.
Don't sit around and give up studying and turning up to class because your teachers are useless. Work you butt off to get the grade you deserve because at the end of the day you're the one who will suffer and end up repeating the year. And I refuse to be that girl again.

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What talent would you like to have?

Freeze time so I can find time to revise and write and have a social life and dress cute and reply to messages and write some more and take part in camp nanowrimo and watch The 100 and eat in between classes. And just to generally get my shit together.

Post a picture of your angry face!

me and my friend can take on all of you. don't mess with us. *does a gang sign*
(lol we're so lame it's actually kinda saddening)
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)

Are you ready?

I JUST WATCHED THE FINALE FOR HTGAWM (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Are you afraid of the future?

not at all. it's not here yet therefore it can't hurt me.
but the past on the other hand...

what books are you in love with on wattpad right now?

- 'Steel and Starlight' by @/northernwinters
- 'Afflicted' by @/falloutdiscos
Lol, my list is so short. I've only just discovered that there are amazing writers on Wattpad who don't write 'My Boss Drugged Me And Now I'm His Sex Slave'.
But yeah. Those two stories are just LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Who is your smartest friend?

I wanna do camp nanowrimo next month but
May = exam season
April = panic the fuck out/learn a year's worth of work/attempt to cram in everythang/die everyday
Can't risk it. Won't risk it. Gotta wait till July *sobs*
Liked by: Matty Mullins ♥

Do you go on Wattpad on your laptop more than your phone, or vice versa? Or do you only go on your laptop to do a certain thing on Wattpad, and a certain thing on your phone? (Sorry if that's confusing)

Not confusing at all, love.
I write on the house computer downstairs for about 5 hours a night (Tumblr distract me for half that time anyway). And then I add my story to my Wattpad library so I can access it on my phone. That way, whenever I get free time (usually two hours in bed since I sleep about 4 hours a night), I reread my work on my phone and screenshot any mistakes so I can fix them the next day on the computer.
I also use the iPhone memo app to jot down random sentences, plot ideas and scenes. I used to use my phone to do all my writing (I wrote most of BTBB on my phone), but the Wattpad app messes up the format of my stories and turns the em dashes into hyphens and gets rid of all indentations which is annoying bc I spend so much time indenting paragraphs.
- house computer = writing
- my phone = editing
(my eureka moments usually take place in my memos. i'll get a wicked idea and whip out my phone and start typing at the speed of light. it's brill, hahaha)

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Liked by: Matty Mullins ♥

Who was the last person you kissed?

The stairs.
(I tripped this morning bc I tried to take the stairs three at a time.)

What's your biggest phobia?

Taking a break from writing to revise for my exams and then coming back to find that I can't write anymore.
Poof! Gone!
The alphabet is but 26 letters again and the magic has worn away. Once again I'm just a foolish girl playing a game made for lyrical poets and creative geniuses.

what selfie in what blackout tag,you look like a goddess always wearing that gold thing on your head,is it part of your tradition or? XD U look great tho :*

Ellie (ellion)
Thanks and no, I just have a thing for headbands. (You'll have to excuse me. I'm going through a Bohemian/Hippie phase. All I wear are long gypsy skirts and bangles and headbands *sheepish smile*)
And this is what you need to know about blackout tag :)
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)


Language: English