

Ask @ladykaddy

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What did you get in your AS exams if you don't mind me asking? :-)

This year I got AAAB. Physics was 1 UMS off a B, which really sucked because the remark came back still a B *sighs*
Liked by: s h i l o h night

one of my friends is very hard working and got many A* in GCSE but her AS Level was low. What do you think happened? I feel like A Levels is so unpredictable...

A-Levels aren't a measure of intellect or capability. It's a measure of hard work and memorisation. You have to know the exam system inside out to win the losing game and I think the system is terrible. It works in the favour of very little and doesn't do enough to promote wider thinking and passion. It's just a crap way for universities to figure out who to offer places to.
Liked by: s h i l o h

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What is the one piece/part of your Wattpad profile that you are most proud of (ie. a novel, certain multimedia, etc.)?

In terms of effort and commitment, BTBB was an incredible feat. I posted the first chapter on 1 May 2014 and the last chapter (74th I think?) in early July 2014. But in terms of emotional growth, I will always salute LtL for teaching me the power of voice and friendship. I will never write a novel with that much pain ever again, because to be able to siphon that energy into a story means that I'll have to bear the same pain again. It gave me purpose when I had no idea where I wanted to go, or if I wanted to go on at all.
I think Listening to Lucas is my legacy. It's what I want to be remembered for, and it's the version of myself that I'm most proud of. If there's anything I ever want to publish before I leave, it will be definitely, without a doubt, be LtL.
Liked by: Memi night

you say you've never put so much of yourself in any book more than listening to lucas. I just wanted to ask in what way do you relate to it?

Sorry I've left this question unanswered for 2 weeks but I didn't know where to begin or if I wanted to share something so private. Thing is, my entire life was in shambles and I had just started a new sixth form where I knew nobody and spent so much time alone in my head that I started to feel imprisoned. I knew that I had to change my way of thinking if I wanted to change my state of mind, but I didn't know where to start. Over the summer, I reread 'Before I Fall' by Lauren Oliver just after a jarring meltdown and already had a set of new characters in mind. Sam already existed. Lucas already existed. But the story wasn't there because the emotions that I shared with Sam were only just beginning. The bridge was there but I hadn't crossed it yet.
Although I hid the deeper meaning beneath the "love story" between Sam and Lucas, the story was more of a diary of events than an actual teen fiction story. Sam's main challenge in LtL is that she feels imprisoned in her skin. Everyone wants to be her, but for all the wrong reasons. I felt that everyone at my old school wanted to be me for the wrong reasons. Hair, clothes, social life, whatever -- they all had the wrong impression of me. But the one thing that cropped up most was "smartness". Bearing in mind that I had done my GCSE Maths in Year 8 and my A-level Maths by Year 11, I was on track to have at least 6 A-levels under my wing by the time I finished sixth form. Over and over again I would always hear kids I didn't even know wishing that they were as smart as me. That had always been my weapon. I didn't care that the cutest boys never looked my way or that the popular girls had more expensive clothes. "Smartness" was the only worth I knew, and all that anybody ever saw in me.
I put the lessons I had learned in that past year to see how Sam would react to the same obstacles I went through. I wanted to explore the different ways of handling the same situation. Some scenes didn't happen in my life until after I finished the book. For example, my dad left us last year for 6 months. The irony of it was shocking; I had to reread chapters in LtL to see how Sam dealt with it because I didn't know what to do or who to turn to. That's my favourite thing about LtL... the lessons in there are timeless because even the parts that I didn't relate to at the time of writing it might come in use in the future.
Thank you for this thoughtful question. There's a lot more but I would rather tell you privately on Wattpad than publicise it on Ask. :)

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Liked by: Maxxie night

Hi, I sent the hate. I'm sorry. You're actually amazing. ??

Hello :) No problem. I laughed at it and showed my friends, but you shouldn't make light of it just because I couldn't be arsed to take you seriously. There are others out there who may be one shove away from a breakdown and your words could have been the one to push them off the edge. Be careful and be kind. Not everyone is understanding, and not everyone is forgiving.
Have a nice day :)
Liked by: s h i l o h

ooOOOOOH anon you just got yo ass SERVED on a silver platter right back at ya!! (sorry people r so shit, kaddy. i don't care it's not right to send people anon hate -- especially substance-less ones. keep being queen :)

Thank you so much ❤ I really don't understand what that person was intending to get from sending hate *flips hair over shoulder*
Liked by: claire night

When it comes to the editing/proofreading part, do you hate it?

no way! nooooo way... I LOVE editing my stories. Writing is the difficult part. Editing is so awesome and relaxing. I've learnt more through editing than I have through writing.
Liked by: patty king night

You're one of my favorite writers on wattpad. I absolutely love your writing style, I wish I could write that beautifully. I'm almost sixteen and I've posted this new book, but I'm not so sure about it. I could really use some advice...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wish I had the time to read right now but I'm really tight on time bc I have a shit-tonne of reading to do for my university applications.
Tell you what, how about you message me a link to your story and I'll add it to my reading list :)
Liked by: night

Your SE one shot was great, seriously it was fantastic I'm not surprised you won. Since it was great, I'd love to read more. Are you thinking about writing another one? PS. I honestly think you're amazing. ?

Thank you so much :') ❤ I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it.
To answer your question, no I won't be writing any more SE one shots. I can't find the time to write my own stories and I would have to get permission from Rose to use her characters.
Liked by: night

So I'm taking english lit a level right now and I enjoy the subject but the contents really hard. We're starting a new spec so there isn't really anything online but I was wondering if you had any tips for analysing poetry? It's my weakest area.

Poetry is all about interpretation and what you make of it. If you can make opinions then you're already halfway there :)
You have to be able to see beyond the lines, and the only way to see past words is to understand that there's more to them. For example, a tree is not just a tree. When I read about a tree in a poem, I associate it with the following words: growth, rebirth, seasons, height, strength, birds, etc. Now, take any of these words and build on an interpretation. A tree in a happy poem might be an extended metaphor for the narrator's growth as they're reborn. A tree in a sad poem might symbolise the change of seasons and the transience of life.
Bear in mind that your interpretation might not match the true meaning. This will never matter. Your interpretation is valid and valuable and you'll be rewarded for it as long as you pair it with a relevant quotation. When you're analysing a poem, you need to look for what it means to YOU as well as what it meant to the poet. And remember that the poet and the narrator are two DIFFERENT voices in the poem. The narrator tells the story, and the poet is often commenting on something much great. For example, the narrator will be talking about a tree, but it's the poet who's commenting on the seasons/transience of life/regrowth.
If you find the interpretation part too challenging, then focus on structure and form. Learn the following basics. For example, traditional sonnets are made up of an octet (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines). The octet deals with the problem presented in the poem and the sestet offers a solution to the problem. Once you know how poems are traditional set, you'll start to notice what's missing. Note that modern poets (Victorian onwards) break traditions to comment on their social/historical context. You have to look out for the things that they haven't included and WHY they chose to omit a rhyme scheme, etc.. In order to do this you need to know what would have been there if the poem had been written in the 16th century (or even before that). So if I link this back to the sonnet example, a modern poet might choose use a sonnet form but ignore the ABABCDCDEFEFGG structure and use half rhymes instead.
Baaaaaaaaaaaasically, to answer your question in a summary:
1) Find something you like
2) Decide whether it falls into language, structure of form
4) Explain what it means literally e.g. a tree
5) Explain a deeper meaning e.g. "Trees represent..."
If you can't figure out what the poem is about, reread it. And if you're really stuck, just bullshit your way through it and find some quotes to back up your points :)

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Since when have you been writing? Who or what inspired you to begin?

I've been writing solidly for about a year and a half. My best friend was the first person who inspired me to write. We used to write fanfics for each other in Year 8 :')
My biggest inspiration is Lauren Oliver because her writing changed the way I looked at the world. I remember feeling enlightened just reading the way she mapped simple words onto a page to create vivid imagery. I'll give credit to Rose on Wattpad for motivating me to write, too. I remember reading Fire and Blood on her side account and striving to write that beautifully. Lately, I find inspiration in everything: poetry on Tumblr, nature, sounds around me, etc.

wow! how long does it take to write one chapter?

I write it in chunks of 1.5k words... so usually a first draft takes 3-4 days to write. Then I like to leave the chapter untouched for a few days so I can edit the crap out of it without any bias.
The version I post on Wattpad has usually been edited at least 3 or more times, depending on how paranoid/erratic I'm feeling.


Liked by: ivy

cOLORS omfg that song speaks to me on spiritual levels, i LOVE iT sO MUCH. also happy birthday kaddy, have a great day xx

That song is golden! And thank you so much, Claire ❤
Liked by: king claire

what unis are you applying for?? i went to a couple of open days and stil can't make up my mind

I keep changing my mind, too. So far my list is:
1. Oxford
2. King's College London
3. Queen Mary's University
4. Birmingham
5. Exeter
The last two keep changing. I don't want to move too far out because I get homesick, but then again I also feel claustrophobic in my own house. And things have been really tough lately. QMU is very friendly and inviting, but the course structure for KCL is ah-may-zing (so good, it makes me wanna cry), though I'm worried about how competitive it'll be.

What are your thoughts on wattpad? I recently read something, and most people think it is a porno site for bad writing and little teens. This upset me because I like wattpad. So now I'm getting other wattpaders opinions :)

Wow, that statement is a reach! Wattpad, like all walks of life, is versatile and diverse. It attracts a lot of people: it's a community of writers, reader, promoters, graphic artists and critics. What people are doing is looking at a little town instead of regarding the whole country, so they end up jumping to conclusions. I don't think that it's fair to make generalisations like that. Wattpad isn't a "porno site for bad writing and little teens".
I think people are trying to make rash statement because they feel like their writing is getting swept under by this carpet of young, inexperienced writers who are looking for a place to express themselves. Inexperience doesn't equate to bad writing. It just means that you have a lot more to learn. People need to remember that they, too, started writing as a form of expression. I know I did. Wattpad is great because it's a platform for aspiring writers, but that's not all that it stands for. There are kids out there doing a lot more than the people making complaints. There are kids out there raising awareness for LGBT+, bullying, abuse, gender equality, etc. Some kids are in it for the poetry. Others are looking for fanfiction. Should they be cast aside because there are "little teens" with "bad writing" amidst a staggering amount of great literature?
I understand why people are mad about the direction that Wattpad is heading in, but we have to remember that Wattpad is, first and foremost, a business. And if you think about it, they only have 100 workers manning a site that has millions of users. Of course they'll promote popular stories, even if they have undertones of abuse, manipulation, stereotypes, and god-knows-what-else. It's up to you to dig through these stories to get to the undiscovered gems. I promise you that there are great stories still out there on Wattpad. Sometimes you just have to rinse out the bad to get to the good stuff.
I think that people have forgotten that any form of expression contributes to art. If someone likes writing erotica, leave them be. If you want to make a career out of writing, then Wattpad should be the first stepping stone, not the last. We live in a world where you have to seek what you want; you can't wait around, expecting to be discovered by a big shot publishing company.
Wattpad has changed, but it's not all that bad. I don't understand why everyone is magnifying the negatives when there are plenty of great changes taking place.

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Liked by: miss parks a n g i e

Hey Kaddy, it's Sophie ? I just received my results today, and I decided to take English literature, and language. Do you have any advice on how to study for these subjects, because even though I got an A and a B in them, I'm worried I'll struggle with them. Thank you :,) x

You took both as separate A-Levels? Why not take the combined A-Level of English Language AND Literature?
The first thing I did was buy the York Notes for the text I was studying. You can get it on Amazon easily and it's basically a breakdown of the given text with notes on language, structure and form. It's VERY helpful. Look into it :D
Another thing I did was make notes as I read the text. I studied The Bloody Chamber so I looked up anything I could find online and used them as guidance when I made my own notes. I also made revision cards on characters and themes while we read the text in class.
To practice for the exam, it's best to make up essay questions. Try to predict what will come up but don't give yourself a headache. You're not a clairvoyant so you need to be prepared for anything, so do all the past papers under exam conditions just to make sure that you can write essays in the time limit. A lot of people don't practice their time management skills so they run out of time in the real exam. Avoid that by practicing under timed conditions(!!!!!) And make sure you include planning time. Nothing makes an essay more sloppy than poor planning (but then again I've never cared much for planning anyway).
As for the coursework, I actually did mine weeks before it's due. Your teacher will give you a few weeks to do it. Do not leave it till last minute. After class, go straight to the library and work on it while your teacher's tips are fresh in your mind.
That's all the advice I've got. Just do your homework/essays/coursework as soon as you can. I had free periods after all my English lessons this year so I went straight to the library and did my homework there. Sometimes I was super lazy and waited till I got home and an hour essay ended up taking 3 hours because I didn't know how to start or where to begin.
Good luck!

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Liked by: claire Carlin Rose S

Okay so this is even awkwarder, but I just realised that the book you wrote wasn't called Click. It was called This Hope is Treacherous, I'm really sorry for the confusion. Sorry. But what I was meant to say was, you're book is fabulous, you really know how to get into Fintrys mind. You're great.?

It wasn't that awkward lol, but thank you so much for reading it. I did try to write it from Jensen's POV bc that was what almost everyone else was doing but I couldn't get into her head. Props to Rose for writing 30+ chapters from Jensen's POV because I got stuck at 200 words. So I tried writing it from Fintry's POV and it worked. I don't know what happened but something clearly did because I finished the one shot in one night and spent the next week editing the shit out of it. I guess I have so much in common with Fintry it was easier to fill his shoes than Jensen's.
Liked by: night Rose Memi

i just realised i have no idea how to pronounce your name??? [sorry i just have this thing where i have to know how to pronounce people's names correctly]

I get that, too. I hate mispronouncing names, but mine is pronounced as Ka-dee.
Liked by: night

You're book, Click is literally perfection. It's written so well and it's really just fitted in Fintrys mind. I think is is one of the best books about the Elliot's. You're really amazing.

Well, this is awkward. I haven't written a story called Click...
Liked by: king

Do you play any instruments?

I played the recorder (pretty badly) in primary school and took compulsory singing lessons.
But I really, really wish I could play the piano and violin.
Liked by: king

it was really nice meeting you all yesterday ((altho i was really awkward))!!!

You weren't awkward at all :) Trust me. You had the cutest voice ever hahaha. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you could sing.
Liked by: shaz

Do you still feel out of touch with islam? If so why? :-) (not a personal attack just genuinely curious, if you feel uncomfortable feel free to ignore)

I'm sorry I left this question aside for so long. I just don't know how to answer it. I thought that I could come back to it another day with a sophisticated answer but I don't know where to begin.
I have great reverence for Islam. I always have and always will. It's a beautiful religion and I grew up in a household that put God before everything else, but He was used more as a fear factor as opposed to an entity that I could talk to and ask for help. I didn't feel enlightened or at peace; God terrified me. My mother put great emphasis on the existence of Hell and that I would go straight there if I didn't respect her despite the name-calling, etc. Don't get me wrong because she's a hardworking, selfless woman. But she made Him out to be this being with immense power--if I ever put a foot wrong I would be severely punished for it, which made sense at the time: wrong was wrong, and right was right.
I think I was 14 when I first began to doubt God. It was for stupid reasons. I made a wish and the boy I liked didn't like me back. I prayed really hard and failed a French test. Simple, stupid reasons. By the time I was 15 the reasons grew more serious. I started to decode some of my happiest childhood memories and I couldn't understand why God would put me through so much heartache. I was brought up to believe that everything happened for a reason, but even at a younger age I couldn't understand what I had done to deserve the bad things that had happened to me. You can't expect a kid to believe that they deserve abuse and brought it upon themselves. And if that reason was to teach me a lesson, I wasn't sure what was to be learnt. If that reason was to make me stronger, it only left me weakened and crippled me.
My problem is that I don't feel out of touch with Islam. I feel out of touch with God. And without him, religion makes no sense. It's like trying to get through a wall with no door. It doesn't matter how badly I want to be on the other side. The problem is that I can't get through. And please don't try to tell me that there's hope and redemption waiting for me on the other side, or that I can find my way back to God. I didn't even commit the appalling sin that I'm being punished for.
But I do believe in God, and I always will. I just don't think he believes in me. I hope this is a decent enough answer. There's more to it but I don't feel comfortable sharing more than I already have. Thank you for your patience :)

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Where is the picture from wattpad uk meetup? :)

I'm not too sure if you're asking for the photo itself or the where it was taken (but it was taken in Waterloo).
Liked by: king

aw you guys went around london? we did that last year as well. haha i love how mariam is the official tour guide of london now.

Thank god it's not me. i've lived in London my entire life and i get lost running simple errands bc it's so big.
But I really do wish you had been there. Like really, really, really, really (dandelions, stray lashes and 11:11) wish you came. The next time you come to London tell me so I can give you a great big hug and talk nonstop and show you all the non-touristy places like Camden Market and Ally Pally (Alexandra Palace).
Liked by: night king

OMG kaddy you were at the wattpad meet up today??? im so sorry i wasnt there???? for some stupid reason i thought it was on the 22nd even tho leigh clearly told me it was the 18th????? i jUST i would have loved to meet you!

*wipes a teeny, tiny tear*
*dies a little bit on the inside*
*dabs eye with the corner of a handkerchief*
I'm okay, really I am. It must be the all the hayfever *Tracy Beaker's voice*
I mean, we got lost (Mariam was our brilliant tour guide) and watched a contortionist do strange, inappropriate moves and had a cheeky Nandos and went to a toy shop in Oxford Street. The only thing you missed out on was me talking at 1000 mph about SE, poking you to make sure you're human and real, and Nandos.
*cries for another 2000 years*

Saw the picture from the Wattpad UK meet up. Could you honestly get anymore gorgeous damn

Aww, thank you so much! :D
Liked by: king

Hey how did you study for chemistry because I'm honestly struggling a lot?

Using revision cards. Lots and lots of revisions cards---tonnes of bullet points, plenty of diagrams and a shitload of colour.
Chemistry is all about understanding the basics. If you can't reach the first step then you'll never make it up the rest of the stairs. So make sure you understand the basics. If you have a question, raise your hand. If you don't understand your homework, ask your teacher for help. And make sure you do all the past papers. I did them twice. You'll start to notice patterns, like which questions are repeated every year and what topics come up most often.
Liked by: [claire] claire

so i rang up the college and im applying but like I won't find out of i made it until like the 27th. this is torture.

Apply to multiple colleges because they'll priotise Year 11s over you. And make sure you take all the documents you need bc they're annoying with that sorta stuff. e.g. passport, GCSE results, AS results, etc.
Liked by: night

honestly i don't have the time to compare myself to anyone else. ive spent too much time caring about other people and what they think and I wouldn't be in this situation so im literally gonna be selfish and only care avout kicking some butt when it comes to my grades

yeah I've decided to move to a college. i feel like this wasn't as depressing ad I thought it was gonna be bc it's honestly opened my eyes so much. One things for sure. i won't have the luxury of having a phone, friends or even free time this year! im literally so resolved rn

You can do it. Good luck with everyrhing. Just remember not to compare yourself to anybody and all will be okay.

What did you get the first time you did your as? bc I find myself in a situation where I want to move from my 6th form and start over at a college

I got BDDE which wasn't too bad, I guess. But I would've had way too many retakes to do if I continued onto A2. The stress was like a pot that overflowing. So I left that sixth form and went to one closer to my house. It was one of the hardest decision I had to make, leaving all my friends behind, but it was the best decision I have ever made for /myself/. Right now I'm in a better position to apply to any university I want.
Don't be afraid to start over. It might feel like the end of everything right now but this second chance will be the beginning of something very special. There aren't many times in your life that you'll be given a second chance so freely to make amends. I wish you all the best and hope that you know what NOT to do this time around. Study hard, keep your head down and remember that your grades do not define your character. You are still the same brilliant person you were yesterday.
Good luck! *whistles Hunger Games theme tune* And may the odds be ever in your favour.

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Thank you Kaddy! Your advice helped me bc it made me gain some hope. Also congrats again on the fantastic grades :)

Thank you so much. I wish you the very best of luck with all your exams!

(Cont) anxious and upset. I also feel stupid and I'm just terrified tbh

You're not stupid. You're stressed. Just remember that if you fail, you must try again. Repeat these instructions until you get what you want. Fail, and try again.

Hi. First congrats on your 4As!! That's fantastic. I wrote my mocks a while back and I didn't do that great. Got an A, 2 B's and a C. I write my finals in october. And honestly I'm so terrified that I'll do badly since I didn't do that great in mocks even though I studied hard. I just feel so (cont)

All right, listen up closely. There is only one way to succeed and that's through hard work. If you don't put in the effort, you won't get the result. It's as simple as that. I didn't follow that rule last year. I was cocky and arrogant and foolish (also v. depressed, but that's another story for another day). So I didn't study hard at all. It was like I was expecting a car to drive itself with no gas. And it's good to be confident and it's good to be ambitious. But ambition without hard work is what dreams are made of, and nobody wants to dream forever. You're dreaming of getting straight A's. Good, that means that you have ambition. Now, you have to put in the hard work. Obviously, some people learn differently. If your car doesn't run on gas then you'll have to work harder and push that fucking boot even if it takes you an hour to move the car forward by a metre. Nobody ever told me that hard work isn't the same for everyone, even though we share similar, if not the same, dreams.

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