
Key B.

how would you treat your future children?

i'd treat them the way i wanted my parents to treat me when i used to be a kid.
i know it'd feel like forever since the last time i passed through the children phase, but i'd try my best to remember how it would feel to be in their shoes. karena menurut gue, hal yang lebih menyedihkan dibanding mengalami pertengkaran dengan orang tua, adalah tidak bertengkar sama sekali; namun tidak pernah dapat memahami satu sama lain.
i'd teach them how to speak out their thoughts, doubts and debates in a polite way, i'd teach them to take attention on their surroundings, i'd teach them how to work hard to get what they want; i'd teach them everything that i could do, but most importantly, i'd teach them on how to understand people. to have some empathy on people. that way they'd understand me, and that way i'd understand them. and understanding is the first, most essential condition needed to make someone your best friend.
i'd let them show their feelings. i'd let them express their anger over something wrong that i did, or bawling their eyes out in front of me over their backstabbing friend, or even laughing their asses off at my accidental weirdness, because that's what best friends would do. i don't want to become the stiff, mysterious parents who don't even know how to approach their kids other than telling them to wash the dishes and force them to study late at night.
and then when they get into junior high school, i'd profess my love for them. not just the usual "i love you", but the whole printed papers in an envelop. and then i'd tell them, "when you're loving someone, try to love them like how i love you guys." that should give them the idea on how a romance should be, when they're already at the age to sneak behind me and flirt someone back.
and also, when they hit senior high school, i'd let them know about the cruel world; about how sometimes in a night club, your phone and purse could be gone while you're away with the poisoned complimentary drink from a lovely man or woman you had a good conversation with. or, about how free sex reminded you of the words written in the bible telling you not to, or even about the chemical substance that could kill you or get you into jail or even both, or even about weed that isn't actually harmful but can fail your diet; then i'd take them with me to the clubs and accompany them to meet a friend of theirs who claimed to have some weed with them. (well of course, my kids would had been informed about the pros and cons of weed first from my mouth first before their friends sneak weird perceptions into their minds like a salesman out for a prey. and i believe they won't even touch that thing after hearing what i said.)
anyway, there are still a lot on my list. but the point is, i and my future children will become the best parent and kids other families would be envious of.
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Latest answers from Key B.

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Jujur, pengeluaran tak terdugaku yang paling ekstrim adalah terlambat bangun dan terlambat hadir di dalam meeting lalu buru-buru ke stasiun kereta yang super ramai dan antrian kartu kereta mengular dan ternyata kartu multitrip-ku ketinggalan di rumah. Rp. 50.000,-, saudara-saudaraku sekalian.
Aku jarang punya situasi pengeluaran-tidak-terduga-tapi-gak-punya-uang-untuk-dikeluarin semenjak mamaku menyuruhku untuk selalu siap sedia spare cash di dompet atau saldo di ATM.
Dan selalu lunasi hutangmu sesegera mungkin kepada orang-orang di saat uangmu sedang banyak, supaya orang yang kau hutangi itu tidak punya kesempatan untuk datang kapan saja dan membuatmu semakin miskin di saat kau already miskin.

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B aja

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"Sudah cair, ya."
"Besok tidak kelas."
"Kita nonton, yuk?" #EaaAaAaA

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Pap pas rambut panjang dong kak

Hmm, di handphone-ku sudah tidak ada lagi fotoku saat masih berambut panjang. Coba cek Instagram-ku agak ke bawah sedikit, nanti kamu akan menemukan apa yang kamu cari.

Gmn caranya biar tahu talenta kita sendiri..

Kalau kamu merasa kamu penasaran akan sesuatu, lakukan. That's the only way to know if you love what you're doing.

Keybi kok sekelas sama angga? Bukan nya kalian gak seangkatan?

Yes, aku cuti setahun di awal-awal perkuliahan, jadi ada mata kuliah di semester lalu yang baru aku putuskan untuk ambil di semester ini.

Language: English