
Irene Koh

Ask @PromKnight

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Have you ever played DnD or any other tabletop pen and paper games?

I have not, although I'd really love to try D&D sometime.

Do you have a photogenic memory ? Or how good are you at seeing something then drawing it accurate?

I think you mean a photographic memory, and no, I do not. Most artists use reference to draw things that aren't cemented in their visual vocabulary.

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What is the worst physical ailment you've ever endured?

My life has been punctuated by severe sports injuries every handful of years. The worst was a horseback riding accident where I fucked up my hip, & it still messes up my spine now. I have some permanent nerve damage from it and can't properly use my left leg muscles (plus debilitating back pain every once in a while). I've broken pretty much all my toes in judo, and I dislocated my left shoulder from wrestling. 😑 Fun times.

What is your favorite comfort food and your favorite fancy meal-food-thing

Korean stews are my ultimate comfort food. Favorite fancy food is foie gras 😍

What do u thing of ginger ppl? Aka the most prejudiced/discriminated hair color

Pretty sure black people get more shit for their hair than gingers do, but if you're really that desperate to feel oppressed....
Liked by: Laura-Rose ⚂ ❂

What's your favorite thing about Madeline Flores?

I think it's Madeleine, not Madeline, and she seems very nice. This is a weird ass question tho; we don't really know each other at all.

Have you ever gone skydiving? Would you ever want to if you havent

I have not, and I'm not super keen on it. You know that stomach lurching feeling on roller coaster drops? I hate that, and that's all skydiving looks like. :/

What do you like and dislike drawing the most?

I like drawing people interacting and emoting, and sexy ladies. I dislike drawing machinery/gadgetry and vehicles. :|

btw, you rock. these hecklers really need to figure their shit out. Your art is always beautifully composed and mechanically astounding as well as incredibly wonderful linework. When i need to get motivation to practice linework, i usually go and look at your art. keep the good work rolling

Cellusious’s Profile PhotoOlav
Thanks so much, Olav! :) That's super flattering. I mean, I'm not sure how effective they think criticizing my art is; I am my own harshest critic, so. Silly randos!

Who are your favorite actress and actor(s)?

Super into Jodie Foster and Dustin Hoffman, for my all-times.

You think you've got friends in high places but your cocky attitude won't get you anywhere. We know the truth.

This is true, I am in fact a part of the Illuminati, which has blessed me with only the best kind of aimless arrogance. But f'real, c'mon now. If you went to my editor and complained about my "cocky attitude," who is DC/Marvel/IDW going to believe? Their very confused artist, or some angry rando on the Internet? lol

A question about fashion, but do you prefer dresses/skirts over pants or shorts? And if you could pull it off would you want to wear a tux to any formal event

No preference! I love both. And fuck yes, I'd totally do the Angelina Jolie fem tux.
A question about fashion but do you prefer dressesskirts over pants or shorts

I sent this before, but after catching up on some of the bullshit you've been smacking the hell down - fuckin \m/ \m/ .

\m/ !!!

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! Im glad you arent someone to shy away from a site because theres just jerks all over the internet.

I am stupidly so; my friends can tell ya. Jerks hurt, but I'm also not seeking their approval, so I guess it doesn't actually affect me in the long run. Thanks for sending cool questions my way!

Always keep your head up high. Just want to say that haters may be able to get away with the shit they cause but the way you hold yourself is amazing. Please keep doing what you are doing! Also, I love your art.

Thank you for taking the time to write these super kind words! I will keep my chin up always. :)

I'm very confused when people make accusations of you being condescending. I've only ever seen you be pleasant unless someone's being an asshole... I've also only really seen that accusation thrown at women artists I know for some reason >_> (Not a question sorry, just wanted to comment!)

Yeah, it's baffling and disappointing for a butt ton of reasons. There seems to be a list of hateful keywords that people like to sling at women who refuse to be shut up in the face of rudeness, words like "condescending" and "arrogant," and then silly things like "ugly." Anyway, I'm glad you don't find me condescending. I only try to dish back as much snark or tactlessness as I'm given.


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