

Ask @RafaniaKinasih

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Iya dong gue kan bisa bikin lo jadi ngakak karena kekonyolan gue haha gak deng. Dan asal lo tau yang pertama kali nanya garuda di dada lo juga gue haha. Oh iya karena love you for a thousand years udah terlalu mainstream jadi gue ganti jadi love you for a few minutes Raf ;)

Oke deh hehehe yg garuda gue ngak ngerti lho

I love you for a few minutes, not a thousand year :))

Anjir hahahahahahahahaha lucu lo gue jg ga berharap a thousand years kok yeyea tp ga a few minutes jg dong hahahaha tetep tapi sy ngakak :))

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Buset muka lo bikin nafsu birahi gue semakin memuncak awww, gue gak tahan Raafffffff

HAHAHAHAHAH ok deh good to know

Raf gue minta izin ya buat nyantumin foto sama data diri lo di buku akta nikah gue

Minta izin emak bapak gue aja

Well don't pretend you listen to bands that you know nothing about then. Everyone here is laughing so I suggest you crawl back to your One Direction cave.

Right, what you said was absolutely right :) one thing you are wrong, is that i AM NOT into one direction. If you don't believe my words, go ask my friends

Well, that's embarrasing isn't it? Don't even know any Muse albums..Well I'm from Hull in UK and I translated your answers, watch your grammar next time. :)

Stfu idfc if youre from Hull in UK, kalo emg gue ga interested sama bands gmn? Dont fckin tell me to watch my grammar, idfk you anon.

Ya udah berarti kalo garuda di dadamu masih berlaku, aku mau mendarat ke dada kamu aja

Maaf gue ga ngerti lo ngomong apa

Can you answer the question then please? What is your favourite Muse album?

No i can't karna gue gatau ok stop lo annoying bgt x

Let me re-phrase that in vocabulary that you will understand. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSE ALBUM?

Fuck off i understood now ok

I asked your favourite Muse album and you said Supermassive Black Hole..

And you also did asked me for the favorite song..? Kalo gue cuma jawab itu, ada masalah?


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