

Ask @RafaniaKinasih

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Gue abis sholat maghrib buat lu,gue doain Lu supaya Lu makin Langsing,cantik,pinter pokoknya Jadi yang terbaik!!!:D

Wattt thanku amin

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Ngak apa2 ngerokok tapi jangan keseringan/banyak2

Is that you and your opinion? Well i don't judge, its everyone's right

What is your attitude to smoking?

gatau ya it's not really a big deal to me. people have their right to smoke. tapi agak bullshit aja when people say rokok bikin addicted sampe gabs stop. ya well that's my opinion towards smoking
Liked by: Bila inez

Raf,tadi disekolah cantik banget,mau pun rambut lu di iket atau ngak cantik banget!!!:D,trus badan lu slim banget dan mata gue selalu ngeliatin lu!!:D

Waat thanku

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Easiest question but just the hardest one to answer here


Language: English