

Ask @RafaniaKinasih

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Kenapa lo kalo temenan atau nyari pacar diliat dr fisik? i got the point. Lo cuma mau temenan sm yg eksis, cantik, tajir.

Lo gabs bica atau? Hahahaha im pretty sure i made it clear in my previous answer. First priority buat gue itu personality! Bodo amat juga kalo muka nya jelek atau gmn tapi ngertiin gue? Gini deh i'll prove my words. Lo siapa, off anon & if i'm comfortable with you, we'll be friends?

menurut lo physical appearance itu matter in love gak? :)

Iyadoong! But personality pastinya first priority! :)

No problem:) Oh no, he doesn't go to school lol. He's on college now, big guy haha. -Markee

Hahahah okaayy :)

Markee again;) You're 8th grader but you look so young ya know? :3 He's Aditya, ring any bells? Probably not, he's a stalker lol. So umm.. Where are you?

Hahhaha thanks? Umm what school does he go?

Hey it's me Markee ;) Don't get it mixed up though, markee is just my nickname.. My guys call me that instead of Mark lol My friend said that he doesn't know you well because he's not on the same school as you. I heard that you're an 8th grader, is that true? I know very little "bahasa" lol.

Yesss im 8th grader hahaha whats your friend's name? :)


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