
Captain Hok Hok Hok

Ask @stillnotken

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Name someone pretty.

I suppose naming Jarvis doesn't count? Not because his pretty-ness is just as artificial as mine, but because his face screams pretty when you're talking to him.
Natasha doesn't count either, being pretty is part of her job, and also, she's pretty in a threatening way. When I think of her I don't think 'pretty', I think 'deadly'.
Who else do we have? Tony Stark is not exactly pretty, even though he does have a thing going on. ... Not that I'd feel drawn to that... Plus, if I'd pick him, he wouldn't stop grinning at me for weeks.
Clint's face is a punch in the guts, considering Natasha fell for him.
Thor doesn't count, he's a god.
After all, I'll go with Peggy. She was breath taking. And mine.. for a while.

Have you ever thought of killing someone, Captain?

Yes. There have been times when my mind would wander off to places that dark. But I hope I'll always have the strength to do the right thing.
Liked by: JARVIS

Have you ever been jealous?

Jarvis? Is this you, Jarvis? Well, yes. I think I get jealous easily, but I do my best not to show it.

Do you believe in destiny?

I believe some things could have happened in no other way, I believe there is a point of no return from which events can only turn out the way they eventually do. But I also think that it's worthwhile fighting for the future you want,

How can you prove your love to someone?

Uh, I don't know. I don't even know if I'm good with these things, I don't think so. You should ask Jarv.

If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? Like the life that you never had a chance to be a soldier or the life that you were born in the modern age and lived normal life.. or others..

No. Nothing like that. If I was born in this age, I would have passed out on my chance to meet Bucky, and without him I'd be a completely different person, he made me who I am, /my life/ made me who I am, and I wouldn't want to be someone else.
Liked by: JARVIS

Wenn du eine fiktive Person aus einem Film spielen könntest, für wen würdest du dich entscheiden?

Tue ich nicht genau das? Ich bin Captain America... die fiktive Version von mir. Sie haben damals in den Vierzigern auch Filme über mich gedreht,w eißt du...

No! I'm Hawkeye's mom - laughed again - Loki just made me alive again, just!

Edith Barton
It's the age, I suppose. You... look so young! Well, I shouldn't talk. *chuckles a bit* Is there anything I can do for you, Miss?
Liked by: Edith Barton

Es scheint, als sei der radioaktive Pavian zurück gekehrt, weil die Sache mit dem Mühlespiel für ihn wohl noch nicht gegessen ist. Ich glaube, er hat inzwischen mit der Mafia zu tun, er trägt Anzug, Hosenträger und raucht Zigarren. Was soll ich jetzt nur machen? Hat zufällig jemand Affenabwehrspray?

(... Bist du etwa ohne Banane zu der Party gegangen?)
Liked by: LiquidBrain


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