
Teenage Advice

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How can I deal with period's at school...only just started and going to have my second one when I go back to school....I'm scared the girls will hear me rip open the packet for the pad and laugh,and the teachers lock the toilets between lessons,so when should I change it? Please help xx

How strange your toilet policies are! Chances are if you just got your period, it most likely won't return by next month exactly on time. Most girls I know including myself were late by more than a month after their first period... patterns are never regular within the first year or so. Girls laughing at you for opening a pad would be very immature since all girls eventually go through it. If it really bugs you, just have the packaging open earlier (although it may not be entirely sanitary, you don't have to deal with the sound.) Hope this helps!

I've had the highest GPA in my grade for four years now. Everyone expects me to be super smart and get A's and has have high expectations of me. When someone gets a higher grade than me everyone is super surprised and seems to be very happy. This puts a lot of pressure on me. :(

I completely understand the position you are in. I, too, also have one of the highest GPA's in my grade and am expected to get really good grades. Fortunately, when people put a lot of pressure on me, I just brush it off and tell them that having a high GPA doesn't require getting the highest in class all the time. Take it as a compliment that people enjoy having competition with you. They think you are smart and get easily jealous. If it really bothers you, just ask them to kindly stop because you find it irritating. Good luck :)

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I'm not very fashionable in anyway. I usually wear a plain tshirt and shorts or something like that. The problem is that I don't have any "dance appropriate" clothes that most teenagers wear to causal dances. I also don't wear any makeup yet. I would like to change that and my clothes situation.

It's time to dress it up! Don't be afraid to go a little bit out of your comfort zone. You can go on fashion sites or blogs for some inspiration. You can also try going on some beauty channels on youtube (some great gurus are Macbarbie07, HauteBrilliance, Tanya Burr, Zoella etc.) Whatever it is, make sure it's something you like and something that still represents you. Ask your mum or a friend to go shopping with you - tell them that you would like to change up your style. Good luck! :)

I feel like all of my friends have left me and I feel like crying right now. They never answer my texts back and only say hello but not much more.

This just shows who are your true friends. Is there something you could have possibly done to upset them or make them ignore you? If so, you need to come up to them one by one and talk to them. Ask them what you've done to make them not talk to you as much. Listen to what they have to say. Apologise if you've done something that had upset them. But honestly if you are being hurt by them or they don't have a valid reason, then it's best to re-evaluate who your real friends are and the ones who are worth keeping.

I am extremely jealous of my former best friend who now is hanging out with another one of my former best friend and none of them are calling me their best friend and it really hurts.

Jealousy isn't rare - many people feel it now and then. Although I don't know EXACTLY what it feels like to to be in a situation like this, I can empathise with you and understand the feeling of not being wanted as much by someone who meant so much to you. My advice is if you want to rekindle your friendships, start again from the beginning. Talk to them and hangout more. If you want to move on, my advice would be to just have some time to yourself and think of something that will allow you to move on to the next stage of your emotional growth. Also, talking to the two of them and being completely honest about your feelings never hurts!

I'm going on my first date with a guy to a picnic thing at his school.I don't like him more than a friend but I think he likes me. My friends want us to be bf and gf but I don't think I'm ready for that. In 13. Will things be awkward if things don't work out? Please give me all the advice u can!!!!!

The first step is to relax. Going on a date is something you should be open about - it gives you the chance to get to know this person better, not necessarily be all romantic. There is no need to let anyone pressure you into dating this guy, but in my advice, give the date a go! Be yourself, be how you would to anyone else. If you don't like him more than a friend, it's better to not lead him on by flirting or being too affectionate. However, don't be cold or withdraw from him so he gets the message.
Things will only be awkward if YOU make it awkward! If it doesn't work out because you're not ready or what not, just tell him that you'd love to be his friend and nothing else. Tell him you enjoy what you two already have and you're not ready for being in a relationship. After that, give him some space but there's no need to completely stop talking to him. Talk to him as friends! x

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How do you make scratches fade quicker? Sick of wearing a jumper in summer:/

Cocoa butter. Spread this on your scratches and within a week they should be noticeable difference.
You could also buy Mederma, a lotion you can get from a pharmacy. It may be a bit pricey but it works wonders. Stay strong x

do you think you give good advice?

I feel like I can understand and empathise with a lot of people... so somewhat, yes xx

How do I make the voices stop. They won't shut up.

It sounds like you could benefit from talking to a professional. They can help you manage your thoughts through different forms of therapy. My best advice in the meantime is to visualize yourself throwing all the voices and thoughts behind a door and locking it so they can't come back.

what are some ways to help you become prettier? like i don't need telling that i'm pretty just the way i am etcetc :P but how can I just improve myself?

Focus on what you would look like at your full potential. For most people, their full potential is perfect skin, hair, teeth etc. Sometimes it's just the little things. Believe it or not, eyebrows can either make you or break you - if you don't shape them, consider it! Try wearing makeup that makes your best features stand out. Mascara brightens the eyes and makes them look bigger. Light foundation will even out your skin tone. You can use eyebrow pencil to lightly fill them in if you find your eyebrows to be sparse. It'll help to frame your face much better. These are just some suggestions x

Good quotes ?

Oh man, there's plenty to choose from, maybe it would help if you could tell me what kind of quote you would like? Life? Love? Anyway, here's one of my favourites :)
"Life is like photography - we develop from the negatives."

a good quote on happiness?

“Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.”
— Ralph Marston

I started talking to this boy a few weeks ago& now we're slowly starting to drift, I really like him, what shall I do?

Why don't you try talking to him more again? Say hi on chat and in person (not all the time though) and invite him for a casual hangout so he can get to know you better. It can be with a group of friends if you feel that breaks the ice :)

I'm boy 15 & I wank over like pics on fb of my best mates (who r girls) or just like girls in my year is this okay?the other day was round one of my best mates (girl) house & one of her draws was open &I saw Her underwear in there so I took a thong out & when got home used it to wank wat do I do?

It's kind of normal. A lot of guys have something they will call a "spank bank" made up of any girl he has ever felt like having sex with. It's pretty much fine unless you don't tell anyone or let it take over you and your self control. However, please don't steal thongs! If you don't feel like this is normal or okay, you can try and find other things to masturbate to.

I am in foster care and I would do anything to be home with my mum. I also miss my little cousin who recently died from blood cancer. I scratch/cut. I used to do it on my wrist, but my brother saw, so I do it on my hip. I dont know what to do anymore, I just want to be happy!:(

Hang on, darling! Good things will come to you! I am very sorry that you experienced the loss of your cousin, but just know he/she is in a better place now. When you mention you missing your mum, do you mean as in she is still alive? And for the self harm, remember that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem - I know I say this often but cutting really isn't the answer. I have faith in you that you will get through this. Talk to more people and find things that make you happy. Ask yourself, what can you do to change your life around? I'm always here for you :) xx

When I feel so low and depressed, I scratch myslef with a compass on my wrists/arm and my hip. I only scratch, sometimes really hard with a blunt or sharp compass. Is this self harm?

Yes it is. Self harm doesn't always require deep cuts - it can even be something innocent like constantly biting your lip really hard. Please try and get some help or talking to someone about it. I am always here for you <3

Awh thank you! This page helps so much. I hope I can help her, I dont like seeing her upset:(

You're always welcome! Feel free to always come back for more advice x


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