
Louis Tomlinson

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thelouistomlinsonxx’s Profile PhotoLouis Tomlinson
Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry Stop hating on Harry !!!!!!
@coxedwardharry! If he recieves one more hate, off anon, i'm gonna have a HUGE go at you!


thelouistomlinsonxx’s Profile PhotoLouis Tomlinson
Don't r call me a bad person..
I chat to my fans on websites.
I take my time to talk to you guys
I dyed my hair for charity
I play football for charity
I went to Africa for sick children
I cry when you guys are hurt
I stand up for myself
I stand up for others!
I'm me. Don't like it? That's fine, but think before you call me a bad person, Think before you tell Zayn to die, Think before you Tell Harry to die, Think before you call Niall Ugly.
THINK. it's not hard.

Louis...you're happy with Eleanor or Harry?

Look, i LOVE Harry! he's like a brother to me! he's the closest to me in 1D. he's the one i can most relate to, he's awesome, and sexy ;P. But Eleanor, Eleanor is mine, she's funny, beautiful, nice, sweet and AMAZING! She's like my sister! We're best friends, AND boyfriend and girlfriend, i LOVE her and harry so much, seeing them get hurt, hurts me WAY more.


thelouistomlinsonxx’s Profile PhotoLouis Tomlinson
guys i can't answer many of you, and as lots of you guys call me fake, you say "make a video response" or "post you're ask.fm on twitter" Well, lets say i posted my ask on twitter. Imagine - You come home from school and log on to ask.fm. you find out that Louis Tomlinson has answered you're question which told him to post his link on twitter, you check his twitter wall, and he did! so now you know he's real! you have a look at his ask.fm page, and find he has 4000 gifts.. you then realise, that now, he can't answer you, his link has been linked, you read his last answer, it's from his manager, it explains that Louis is deleting his ask.fm. he can't come on anymore, he's being spammed too much to talk. so now, you're idol, you're best friend, is gone. you're one chance to talk to him, is over, because of you, because you told him to. so it's you're fault. Now, you regret it.

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thelouistomlinsonxx’s Profile PhotoLouis Tomlinson
Sorry i'm having a rant guys, i'm in a ranting mood. but why can't we all be accepted for who we are? Gay, straight, chinese, japanese, black, white, We're ALL human beings?? so why hate on someone? hating on another human, is just like hating on yourself, hating on you're own kind! like in a PC game, you kill people on the other team, NOT on you're team! ALL humans are in the same team, so why pick on them? why hurt them? when you know you'll get something back?..


Why can't people just be them selves? Fakes are stupid! they just don't have a life! i mean, C'mon guys! be yourself! you're beautiful! whoever you are! you just be fake because you want Likes/Gifts etc. but no, just stop.. wether you have many gifts or likes or none! i still love you! you're all PER-FECT! and you know it! so why be a fake, when you can be your own beautiful self?


thelouistomlinsonxx’s Profile PhotoLouis Tomlinson
HOW CAN PEOPLE DO THIS ? Seriously ? Zayn is a really nice boy, he's funny, he's beautiful, he's really sweet and very open-minded. Okay, he's Muslim, and so what? It's not changing anything ! He still Zayn Malik, the perfect boy with a big heart, and he's not a terrorist, stop it, really. This is really funny to make people sad ? you think it's making you laugh, but only you, haters, cos he has got feelings and a heart too. And him, he has got a brain, something you don't have. Zayn is such a respectable boy, and a good friend. Maybe he's different to your eyes, but we're all the same, we're all humans oh wait, no haters are just inhuman, how you can do that to a man ? To a loyal man who's fighting for living his dream ? That's really hurt and so annoying. I wish I could do the same at these people.. And just tell them they don't know him, so they can't judge him... xx

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