

Ask @zufie

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Do you live by yourself?

Well I have a home of my own now, if that's what you are wondering! Haha...
Now living with my spouse :)

What topics would you like to hear someone talk about? I'm a student and in our trainee period, we're expected to have several talks in which we're the speakers. Topics can range from suicide ideation, sexual harassment at the workplace, how to accept fate, etc.

I personally am a fan of self-help topics:
- How to deal with sadness/failure
- How to motivate yourself when things aren't going the way you want it to be
- Self-love
- Mental Health and Awareness etc.
All these topics are topics that are relatable and would definitely earn you a crowd that is interested in hearing what you have to belt out regarding the topic at hand.
All the best okay!

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have you ever flew a kite? 🌬

Once, when I was the teacher in charge of scouts. We flew kites in 2012!
In class, I have gotten my kids to decorate kites and roughly fly them, but we have not gotten them to physically fly one.

do you prefer spending time indoors or outdoors?

I am more of an indoor person. I really enjoy just chilling at home, watching Netflix or just spending quality time with my loved ones at home over a long chat and tea. Thats an ideal.
I find the outdoors a little exhausting and frustrating at times, because it drains me out and prevents me from performing the catch ups I want to have.

what’s the best recipe you’ve ever cooked? 🍳

For me I'd say my signature dish would have to be the Creamy Tomyam Pasta. Its something which people would request me for and I am more than happy to cook for them, knowing that they enjoy it.
I'd say its the best because its a unique dish that is different from the usuals.

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Bila nak buat powerpoint slides about something, katakan stress dan burnout, apa point point yang wajib ada dalam slides? Contohnya definition, differences, pastu lagi apa?

- Definition
- Causes of Stress/Burnout
- Signs and Symptoms of Stress/Burnout
- Importance of Identifying Stress/Burnout
- Examples / Case Studies
- Strategies to cope with it
Some things you may want to look into as you do a presentation on this topic :)
Liked by: N.A.

What's/What're something(s) from the Qur'an or hadiths that you hold closely?

That God does not test His creations beyond what they can handle, and that whatever happens to us, is what He deems is best for us at this point in time.
Helps us get through life with this understanding, as painful as some things are.

Are you okay showing affection in public ?

Not quite - I am not one to show affection to people in public! Even with my family members, the more 'affectionate' things like holding of hands or putting my arms around them will only be left to the private context away from people. Not too comfortable lah, I believe some things are better left private =P

Have you ever had surgery?

I once had surgery, but it was a day surgery for a benign growth on my scalp. It was removed on the same day, and things went back to normal soon after.
Was definitely a nerve wracking experience, but all's good! :)

Hi Cikgu! I want to join madrasah but im having dilemma. Im not sure whether i shoud join the normals ones or join under Teens alive :(

Hi there! I am sorry for this extremely late response... Have not been active here for quite some time.
Both institutions are fine as long as you continue learning agama. Look up the syllabus offered by both, and see which one is of more interest to you :)
Hope this helps!

Salam, just a question. If my friend cheated on his IPPT(e.g skipped count during pushups) and got gold instead of silver, will all the money he receive be considered haram or will the extra $100 be haram(gold gets $300 and silver gets $200)? If so what should he do with it?

The extra $100 would be deemed haram for him by right as it's not rightfully earnt by him. It would be good if he could donate that money away or use it for charitable purposes without using it for his individual needs.

Allahumma solli 'ala saiyyidina Muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wasohbihi wasallim. :) Perbanyakkan selawat. Moga dpt syafaat Nabi Muhammad ;) Igtkn yg lain juga. Moga dpt pahala sedekah jariyah :)

Amin, terima kasih atas peringatan ini :)

what is was was?

Was-was refers to a state of being doubtful.
For example, after you take your wudhuk, you ask yourself, "Tadi I take wudhuk sah ke tak eh?"
Or in your prayers you ask yourself, "Ni dah 2 ke 3 rakaat ah?"
These are example of situations of was-was :)

a view from some of the scholars is not all syaitans are locked up in ramadhan but only the mareed or the strong ones

Yup yup, a few takes on what the hadith means. hehe. Thank you for sharing!

can was was exist in the month of ramadhan?

Yes it can (and it STILL happens to me alot, sadly).
This shows that actually, the whole was was situation is not syaitan but your personal self, because in this month syaitan is locked up :(
Something for us to better ourselves on, and hopefully we can eliminate this was-was feeling altogether.

fornication masa puasa, its penalty is only on the guy. that is what i was taught. and its penalty u can choose from 3. puasa 2 bulan berturut2, and i forgot the other 2. it is not based on how many days the activity took place.

I just attended a class recently and based on what I learnt, the penalty is on both the guy and the girl. You can choose between 2, either you free a child/slave or you fast straight for 2 months. However in today's context, you can't find a child/slave to free anymore so because of that, its penalty incurred would be 2 months straight of fasting. For the ladies, they can't do this 2 months straight due to them having their periods, so the counting will be different. They fast till they attain their period, stop .. and then when their period ends, they continue counting till they have fasted successfully for 60 days (2 months).
The exception only comes when you can fulfil neither of the 2 above because of health reasons or whatsoever. That would be to feed 60 fakir miskin.
Indeed it's harsh - but it shows you how much this act is condemned.. especially in the month of Ramadan. Do seek clarification from someone more learned if you have further queries on this. I am just a learner who is not able to explain in detail why so and all. Hehe.
Hope this helps!

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Liked by: hahaxiong

Assalamualaikum :) Just curious, do you answer your qns here from the top or bottom or randomly? Like do you look at the most recent ones first or the old ones first or answer based on urgency or simplicity of the qns?

It's a mixture really. I have quite alot of unanswered questions (I am so sorry for that as I am trying my best and am still trying to keep up!) so what I do is when I have the time to answer anything, I will read the questions where I know I am able to help answer at that point of time convincingly with the right facts.
Ignoring your question does not mean it is less important or urgent... it just means perhaps I am not as confident at that point in time to provide a good answer.
Sometimes if I find an issue pressing and needs to be addressed immediately, I'll do it ASAP.
So actually, I don't have any patterns over which questions I answer first. Haha. But if you genuinely need a response ASAP, do inform me ya!

Assalam cikgu, saya ada satu soalan.. andai kata kita terlupa untuk berniat puasa untuk keesokan hari, adakah puasa kita dikirakan sah?

Niat itu tidak perlu dilafazkan secara zahir untuk ia dianggap sebagai niat. Of course seberapa mungkin, lafaz itu suatu yang terbaik untuk kita tahu yang kita dah niat.
Namun sekiranya terlupa, tetapi kita dah buat azam untuk puasa sebulan.. ataupun kita bangun sahur dengan niat untuk berpuasa, itu sudah dianggap sebagai niat.
Jadi untuk soalan ini.. asalkan awak dah buat niat untuk puasa sama ada secara zahir atau batin, ia dianggap masih sah :)
Liked by: nurrin ✨

Assalamualaikum :) A qns on fornication in ramadhan was asked previously. I just wanted to check.. Is that penalty for both males and females? And what is the penalty for one who breaks his or her fast for whatever other reason? Thank you!

The fortification penalty is for both genders :)
I am unsure about whether there is any specific penalty of breaking a fast intentionally is, but all I know is that it is a wajib and anything that is wajib has to be done or it is a sin in His eyes.
If we have done so before in the past, repay the fast, pay your fidyah (your 'fine' for not fasting in Ramadan) and make repentance.
Hope this helps!

Salam cikgu! May i know what is solat jamak?

Solat Jamak is when you combine 2 solats in one prayer time. Eg, you pray Zohor, and right after you play Asar. Or you pray Maghrib and immediately after, Isyak.
Solat jamak can be done under some special circumstances, like:
- When you are travelling overseas and have difficulty doing solat
- When you have difficulty doing solat in a local context that is truly unavoidable (eg. examinations, operation)
This is generally what it is, but for you to learn how to perform it and what the bigger picture is, try asking someone more knowledgeable in the Deen yeah! It's a very big picture and up to date, I still am learning many new things about this whole concept of solat jamak. Haha
Salam Ramadan!

Salam Cikgu, terima kasih kerana memberi pendapat tentang menyelesaikan masalah saya mengenai peneguran. Saya terlupa untuk tambah info penting, iaitu orang yang ditegur saya adalah seorang Muslim juga. Dan saya mendapati bahawa kepercayaannya dengan petua amat keterlaluan dan terikut-ikut. How how

Cases like this are a bit hard because dia seagama dengan awak... Jadi bagi saya, as long as you have done your part already telling your friend what was right for him/her, itu sudah mencukupi. Sebab apa... orang sebegini, mereka tahu sebenarnya antara betul dan salah. Namun, semakin banyak kita cuba menasihatinya, mereka akan semakin jauh. Jadi, selalu tunjukkan yang awak ni masih kisah dan mahukan yang terbaik buat diri dia melalui tingkah laku dan bukan kekata. Don't forget to make doa for your friend as well.
Saya harap ini dapar membantu :)

I need help ?? um ive not been praying.. on off on off.. I used to pray, zikir and listen to syarahan(s) but lately, it's very hard for me to pray. I keep repenting, nak insaf, always ask forgiveness from allah each time I commit sins. but I dont feel anything alrd each time I ask for forgiveness-

I hope you are doing fine. This blessed month of Ramadan would probably be the best time for us to get back on track. The thing about our iman is that it constantly goes up and down, and for it to remain on track, we have to put in effort and get ourselves to constantly do these things like zikir, listen to syarahan and of course, solat. No matter what, never leave your solat... as much as you may feel that it's pointless or what. Keep doing it.
Surround yourself with people who remind you of Him. When you do so, it will be easier for you to be positively influenced to do good and be good. Stop harming yourself and doing things that will bring you away from Him too. Embrace the pain and use positive measures to counter it, such as what was mentioned above.
Finally, the most important... never allow yourself to succumb to the idea that your sins were too huge for Him to forgive. Never give up on Him and His mercy. Isn't that one of the traits of Allah SWT - The Most Merciful? Make sincere repentance and tell yourself never to do it again. Keyword here is sincere... Try your best.
Perfect time because of the fact that the devils are locked up and it's all on us and our willpower. If we think we can do it, we can. If not, then we will fall. The only thing stopping us from bettering ourselves is ourselves.
All the best and do take care!

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Liked by: Aishhaaa

Salam. Can we fast if we have to do blood test for the day? (Probably abt 1-3 small tubes of blood taken)

Yes, drawing of a bit of blood as mentioned does not invalidate your fast and hence you can proceed to fast :)


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