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i have a many friend but no one care with me because they busy with working in office. so what must i do now? i care with they but they don't care with me. they forget memories in elementary school,junior high school,senior high school,university. always busy with work.

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Dear, kalo kamu masih menuntut dia untuk peduli sm kamu, tandanya kamu juga belum peduli sm kesibukan mereka. Hidup mereka tak selalu tentang kamu, loh:)) mereka punya keluarga yg harus dibahagiakan, dan mereka juga butuh waktu untuk kebahagiaan mereka sendiri. Jgn selalu berpikir bahwa mereka gak peduli:))
Emang lo ngga punya kesibukan juga? Ayolah, mereka tu lagi kerja keras nata hidupnya biar pas di masa tua nanti tinggal hidup enak nyaman tentram damai. Dont be childish, dude:)
kalo temen lo pada sibuk kerja, emang lo gak punya kesibukan?
memang sih agak sedih, biasa main tapi engga. sesibuknya orang kerja, pasti ada libur
be might, you not important ?
What about you? Are you working in the office too?
Ga semua waktu dipake buat main dan nongkrong. Ada kalanya dunia membutuhkan mu untuk menjadi lebih bersahabat. Selama mereka busy dengan kerjaannya, kepikirankah untuk kamu ngembangin bakatmu? Atau melakukan hal yang tertunda? Hal yang sebelumnya ga bisa kamu lakuin?
Actually, when your friends cant give you time to meet, you have chance to explore the real you. Until when you all meet again, you change be better, be the better you.
yaa the fact, you have to accept reality. the more you gettin older all of your friends will have their own interests, you can't blame them bcs they have no time for you. and at the end you will be alone with your own life and your little family. if we can turn back the time i just want to live on senior highschool than to face a many problems, like this question that you ask to me :))

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