

Ask @AdriHernandez353

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I miss life without crap you know? Tu est sur? Ou est elle?? C'est sample. Elle et ici avec mois

begonnnaa’s Profile Photob e g o ñ a ❥
Haha what I'm lost? Life without crap? (Laughing emojis) and come on bby(❤️ you have to go in order with the convo!(; Allo Begona comment va tu?(:

A L Y S S A ❤️ (Cool emoji with the glasses)

Awwwww Alyssa I miss you man!(: we never talk or see each other!(: we should haha(:❤️❤️ (praying emoji) haha
Liked by: Alyssa Villa

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Well they should say it more often cause it's perfect and you're perfect. ❤️ (They really need to let us use emojis on here)

I would be the happiest person on earth once they let us use emojis on here(:❤️ and you annon are very nice(: (thumbs up emoji) who is this?
Liked by: Alyssa Villa

How did you knOw? was it when I mentioned Charlie? :p

Aha yes it was! Because your talking all scientific! Haha

It means from the beginning , and I asked if you're going to BHS so we could make out. And you said " haha yesss all day anon. ❤️ i might be going to bhs next semester" see you said that word by word. ❤️

Hahaha I made no promise! (Laughing emoji!) and haha i take that back it was a joke my friend!(: I wouldn't make out with a stranger or anyone!(: hahah you crack me up annon!
Liked by: Alex Trejo

You promised me you will from the gecko that you'll make out with me!!! ❤️And take a shot at it. ;)

What's the gecko??!?! I don't even know who this is! I'm not kissing anyone! Haha I promised nothing!
Liked by: Alex Trejo

You know who I am!!!?? NOO! Anyways but I won't slaughter it but I'll kiss you still

No you won't!(; haha I've never had my first kiss so you can't just kiss me! (Laughing emoji!) and I don't know who this is but I can guess! Tell me!


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