

What others replied to:

She's losing everything. Because of you. About to be homeless. She doesn't have a car to sleep in like you did when you lied and used her. She gave you comfort and love. You gave her trauma.

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Don’t know who this is for but lol you must not know the whole truth but just what she told u and haven’t u heard of there is 2 sides to a story and ur only hearing it from her I have myself my bosses and my manager for proof and ok so did she tell you how for 3 months while she was pregnant I paid for her hotel on the other side of cali while I was sleeping in a tent in a park for those 3 months so I can go to work on time every damn day while she was cozy in a hotel while I was out in the cold did she tell you that if it wasn’t for my manager and my boss in cali I would have never gotten a car to begin with especially when I was only there for 3 months and they put they name on it so I could get it and if she’s about to lose everything and be homeless good that’s fucking karma cause the last part u prob don’t know is did you know she called the cops got me locked up on a weekend so that she can up take everything I paid for and my son and disappear and then make me look like the bad guy . So please if she’s going through it fucking good I’m glad karma finally caught up to her fucking ass and just as a farewell ask her about the dozens of emails where I begged her to come back and because I wanna see my son which I haven’t in the last 2 years so suck all that shit it cause I’m the one who actually was on the streets right after she did all that shit and then got sued by the place we stayed at and I took the wrap and took her name off so she wouldn’t get sued also and paid 10 grand so fuck outta here with that sob story and next time actually know all the fucking facts tf

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