
#atomic-kitteh™ ✔️

Ask @AmartyaRaj

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What is your most played song at the moment?

Mirror. <3
That song is the only living memory of the best moments of my life. :')

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I knew Jumana didn't deserve yiu rie?

You douchebag dingdong whoever you are but I already had more than my share of her.
Girls are nothing but trouble. There you happy?
Life was all but miserable with all that drama. I like staying single. And I'm planning to stay that way unless something that turns my head happens.
Liked by: سماح

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

My mom. My dad. And my sister. They have been at my side when no one has and no matter how much I hated them. :)

What does the fox say? U lucky son of a bitch getting a plastic piece of shit Iphone ...

Well fuck you too Marc. -.-
I know it's you.

Jumanna meant to be your world? LOL

Was man.
Now I feel free. :)
It's better to not have a crush. No pressure. No crap. :D

Finally u got some sense about jumana!! What's wrong if u're single? Single is better than relationship ;)

Haha okay? Thanks. :)

you have answered maybe 95 questions including this and you only got 1 like (Y)

Hahahahahaha guess I'm not very popular.

Who is Jumana to you now?

She was someone who meant the world to me.
But apparently she just kept using me.
But instead of just waiting for her to finish using me and then friend zone me in the end I decided to do more productive useful stuff. :)
So I guess now we're just strangers?

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

Yeah like why douchebag teens of today should be leading a proper life instead of playing 'wannabe gangsta'. -.-

How do we know that it aint u who is asking ur self those questions ?? -_-

You are telling im insane and jobless enough to ask myself questions? ._.


Language: English