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Are you ready for Scorched Earth to be over? XD

sort of
i'm a little disappointed that the pace of the game has slowed down considerably over the past few days, so now i feel like it's dragging a bit. i'm excited to start season 8

I feel like I've asked this before, but on Survivor Japan, what is your opinion of Kelly???

i barely remember that season to be honest but i think she got screwed by the tribe swap
probably someone i would ask back for 2nd chances

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Can Scorched Earth compare to All Stars?

not really, they are two extremely different seasons in almost every way. i do like them both though. all-stars will always have a special place in my heart

I feel Scorched Earth was very gamebotty with very polarizing personalities

smh y'all talking like the season is already over

Haha, it seems like all the good players always get robbed

true, the good players get robbed. but the GREAT players are the ones who are able to keep the target off their back and make it to the end

Haha haha haha hahaha. No way Nick slayed this season. XD

i was really excited to have him on but i think he was busy with other games and his hosting stuff but he very well could have slayed if he paid more attention to the game

What real survivor season do you like but most people hate

umm idk most seasons have at least some fans and it depends on which part of the fanbase you are looking at
like SJDS is generally disliked by probst and the general fanbase but i loved it

if you could have changed one event in each season, what would you pick for each?

japan - jenzie wins
arabia - i dont bring abel back
greece - sackeshi makes an immunity run and wins the game in a unanimous vote
new zealand - tdogg doesn't quit? i wouldnt really change much about the boot order of this season though
madagascar - everything
all-stars - kenneth wins

what the fuck did ravenclawnfan do to you- concerned ravenclaw supporter

he's annoying as hell and he quit because he lost a challenge or something

for your group game usually what time are your challenges and are most of them live?

most of them are live, and usually at 8 pm EST. but they could start as early as 7 pm EST and as late as 9 pm EST. but i generally give a day's notice in advance

Haven't seen any blindsides? What about Chazz and Nick?

blindside is a gray area. both of them showed some indication that they knew there was a chance that they were leaving that round

top 3 people from each season? and one person from each season u wish never on ur show

good question.
japan: jenzie, mike, scott. least favorite: this was actually a pretty decent cast, i don't know if i'd want any of them to be out. probably murphy or daniel though bc i literally dont remember them doing anything
arabia: this one is tough to narrow down. dino for sure. kenneth as well. and then it's between patrick khianna and the LEGEND snowgirl57 for the last spot. probably snow. least favorite: ew there's so many, especially in the merge. i would have to say ABEL for self-voting after i gave him the chance to return
greece: king sackeshi, yaxha, benry. least favorite: ravenclawfan by far (probably my least favorite person to ever play in my series)
NZ: rhys, sim, derek. great cast in general, i like pretty much all the postmergers. least favorite: tdogg for quitting
madasgascar: sam, sean, danny. least favorite: like everyone else lmao. probably _adidas though
all-stars: this one is tough, i like them all and that's why i asked them to return. top 3 are probably dino, sean and patrick? maybe even yax too. i loved how all of the winners delivered in all-stars. least fave: none

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favorite pre merge boot from your scorched earth game?

hmmmm can i answer that???
yeah why not
umm i guess chazz just because he did put his effort into the game and it showed. but this season has a lot of great premergers. alex, maxwell, joel, nick, etc.

We haven't seen any blindsides, well besides maybe Jordan if you count that. Do you think there's a possibility of one still happening?

who knows

Where do u think scorched earth will rank on your seriea rankin

definitely above madagascar/japan at this point but how high it ranks will depend on the rest of the merge + the winner. there's still a lot of game to be played. i doubt it'll dethrone all-stars though

Follow up: so its boring on the surface but good behind the scenes basically is what i got ffrom that

idk i guess.
i haven't really announced this but this will be the first season in which i actually reveal all the confessionals after the game is over. so you can judge for yourself based on those.
i guess the main point is that i don't host these for an audience or to entertain viewers, which is why i don't have a VL and probably won't (maybe i will eventually once i've hosted a few more seasons and have a lot more active alumni--the problem is that i will NEVER reveal confessionals publicly to viewers as the season is airing. i admire the hosts who are brave enough to do that but i really can't bring myself to do it. all it takes is one bad seed to severely fuck that up. so if i'm not posting confessionals, i'm not entirely sure what i can even do in a VL). so yeah i host this because 1) i find it fun 2) i like it when my players have fun too. like it makes me feel good when people actually take the game seriously and try to win, and i would say that most of the people still in the game are taking it seriously. that's all i can say without getting too specific

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Your current season of Survivor has gotten boring. Is everyone just inactive?

to be honest, i'm enjoying it. and i'm generally candid about which of my seasons i like and which ones i disliked so that's not me trying to oversell this season.
obviously though, i'm at a much different vantage point than anyone else in the game or anyone who happens to be viewing. i'm the only one privy to all the confessionals, for example. but i 100% understand why this season might look boring on the surface. i'll have a lot more to say about this after it's over.
honestly, i wouldn't call anyone left inactive.


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