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Survivor should have 9 tribes of 2 and it should just be fire making challenges, true or false?

LMAO i would love to see this

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Can't wait for season 29 blood vs Cochran or survivor 30 all-cochrans 2. Or fans vs cochrans or redemption Cochran hahaha

shut up

Instead of each person having only one tribe, they will have two. Each round the tribe system alternates between two different tribe systems.

well i've sort of done something like that in s3 and all-stars of my series but not quite
i love twists like that though where the tribes are dynamic

exile island until merge. people exiled stay there and make a ghost tribe like the outcasts.

i mean all of these sound good in theory it really depends though i guess

2 tribes of 9 by gender, before first ic both tribes sit 3 people out. they will form a third tribe

that's interesting i guess

Russell will NEVER make merge again. Viewers already know the shit he does to his tribe so he has a target on DAY 1.


the person who finds the hii cannot be the one who plays it at tc, they must give it to someone else and have that person play it before votes are read

it's interesting i guess
i feel like it could end up being inconsequential

tribes split by religions

yes plz do it
i definitely want to do a cook islands twist at some point in my series

I honestly think Russell played a good game. Better than most. How many people make finals two times? I mean..obviously he didn't win. But he still got there and had a chance. That's impressive. You can't deny that.

is this ghoul

Best survivor contestant no one talks about

idk i feel like i talk about kelly goldsmith a lot anyway but yeah probably her

Would you marry Julia Collins

yes she just seems like such a good and interesting person in general

RI but its 3 wins to return

i like it
i mean i would hate it on the show but that could work well. i like RI in group games in general

hey i got some ideas for some survivor twists and i WANT some feedback

yes plz i want to hear them

favorite pansexual person?

well IDK any on this website and it sure as hell isn't sexiestdude990 so give me some choices

are the black eyed peas still important

not really
fergie is releasing a solo album soon i think and if it's anything like her first it will be the best album of the decade for real


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