
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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His big butt was making smacking sounds every time he bounced on Blue, which made Napstaton blush madly. He gasped loudly, bouncing as rough as he could, the bed making loud sounds now. ewewewe

* Blue was drooling a lot, even he was the double of exc*ted than before ewewe, he turn around and put Napsta on four, start thrusting him really hard meanwhile the tentacles was moving deeply inside of Napsta *

Cindy: ohhhhh~~!!!! Te extrañe mucho jere, mi algodón de azúcar *fue lo que dijo antes de abrazarlo fuerte* como esta la vida con tu padre ?*una foto curiosa sale del bolsillo de la camisa policial*

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
ʝɛʀɛɱy; ɓ-ɓuɛɳѳ... ɛ-ɛʆ... * tʀɑtɑɓɑ ɗɛ ɳѳ tɑʀtɑɱuɗɛɑʀ, ɛรtɑɓɑ ɗɛɱɑรiɑɗʆ ɑɳรiѳรѳ pɑʀɑ ɳѳtɑʀ ciɛʀtɑร cѳรɑร *
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^M–Mhh!~^ * He continuously bounced on very roughly, moaning loudly. ewewe

🌀 ɳgɦ!~ ɑ-ɑɦ!~ ❤🌀
* ɓʆuรɦɛɗ รquɛzɛ ɦiร ɦipร ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt tɦʀuรtiɳg ɛѵɛɳ ɱѳʀɛ ɦɑʀɗɛʀ ɛwɛ *

Cindy:hmm? *al verlo lo reconoce* oh jeremy? hehehe,cariño~ *toda cariñaso le hace cosquilleo con la cola en la nariza para poder atraer su atencion mas era forma de cariño,awww*

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
ʝɛʀɛɱy: uɦ? * pʀɛรtɑɳɗѳ ɑtɛɳciѳɳ ɑ quiɛɳ ʆɛ ɦɑɓʆɑɓɑ, รѳɳʀiɛ รuɑѵɛ y ʀiɛ * ɦѳʆɑ!

M!A Canceled

* ɑɑɑɑɳɗ ɓɛʀʀy gɛt ɓɑck tѳ ɓɛ ɑ ʀɛɑpɛʀ / gѳɗ / tɛɛɳ 😂😂 *
MA Canceled

(hey know who this is? 😂) *After months of being gone the demon looks around, fired an or at a random monster then just ate the monster's soul ohh wow 😂😂😂*

( dude i always gonna recognize you xD 😂😂❤ )
* ɓɛʀʀy wɑร รɱѳkiɳg ѳɳ ɦiร ɦѳuรɛ, ɦɛ รɛɛɱร tѳ ɓɛ ѵɛʀy cɦɛรรy tɦiร tiɱɛ 😂 ѳɦ wѳw zɑʆgѳ! *
Liked by: LordZalgo,Slender

^A–Aaggh!~^ * He bounced harder, his ewe was twitching, as he turned and wiggled his big butt for Blue, keeping his ewe inside of him. ^M–Mmh~^

🌀 ɳ-ɳgɦ!~ g-gѳѳɗ ɓѳy!~ ❤🌀
* รɱiʆiɳg kɛɛp ɦiร tɦʀuรtiɳgร ɱɛɑɳwɦiʆɛ tɦɛ tɛɳtɑcʆɛร gɛt ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ɗɛɛpɛʀ ѳɳ ɳɑpรtɑ, ɛѵɛɳ tɦɛy gɛt ɱѳʀɛ ɓiggɛʀ iɳรiɗɛ ѳԲ ɦiɱ ɛwɛ , ɓʆuɛ tɑkɛ ɦiร *** ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt ɱ**tuʀɓɑtiɳg ɦiɱ *

(okeh hold on 😂😂😂) Dust Pap: DIE YOU PATHETIC HUMANS!!! *he make a creepy grin now too ohh wow 😂😂* Swap: *he get blushed and laugh a bit, lick his face 😂😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
(( ɓʀiɳg ɱɛ tɦɛ ʆiɳk wɦɛɳ yѳu wɛʀɛ ɗѳɳɛ! i ɦɑѵɛ ɑ รuʀpʀiรɛ Բѳʀ yɑ! 😂😂 ))
* ɗuรt รɑɳร ʀ*pɛ ɑ wiɳɗѳw 😂😂😂😂 รɑɳร wtԲ?! *
* ɓɛʀʀy รɱiʆɛ ɓʆuรɦɛɗ ɑɳɗ ɓitɛ ɦiร tѳɳguɛ 😂😂 "

(annnd now I gotta idea to do a acc for a crazy DustTale Pap 😂😂😂) *Swap smile and hug back, tears stop awww 😂😂* *Pap smile and sit on the couch with Sans on arms but nooow a crazy Dusttale Pap stand beside Dust Sans, something start dripping from sockets now ohh nuu 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
( ʀɛɑʆʆy?! 😂😂😂 tɦɛɳ ɗѳ it! )
* ɓɛʀʀy รɳuggʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɳѳɱ ɦiร Բɑcɛ 😂😂 *
* ɗuรt รɑɳร ɦiรร ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt รʆɑpiɳg ɑʆʆ tɦɛ ɦuɱɑɳร 😂😂😂 *

Christian:*termina su flashback,esta traumado en la esquina* t-todo estara bien,todo estara bien Cindy-teniendo un flashback sobre su rencuentro con Jeremy-*aquella gata comisaria esta en el bus en camino a su turnommientras miraba unas fotos suyas en verguenza* ewwww...que escalofriente era O_o

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
* ʝɛʀɛɱy ɛรtɑɓɑ ѵiɛɳɗѳ ɱɑɳgɑร cѳɱѳ tѳɗѳ ɓuɛɳ ѳtɑcѳ *

*berry Sans noticed his mom u.s.d was dead just a blood and dust pile with a note that says my kids please take care of yourselfs I love you 2 dearly love mom

* kiɳg ɓɛʀʀy ʝuรt รtɑʀɛร ɑt tɦɛ Բʆѳѳʀ ɑɳɗ รigɦɛɗ *

// *PAP* AAAA ^M–More!~^ * He bounced back into him, before uncontrollably pushing Blue down on the bed, and got on top, bouncing on him very hard. ewewe

(( Nyaaaaaah! ))
* ɓʆuɛ รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ ɦiร ɦipร, gɛtiɳg ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ɦɑʀɗʆy ɱɛɑɳwɦiʆɛ ɦɛ wɑร ɗʀѳѳʆiɳg, pɑɳtiɳg ɑɳɗ ɦiร tɛɳtɑcʆɛร gɛt ɱѳʀɛ ɗɛɛpɛʀ ѳɳ ɳɑpรtɑ ɛwɛwɛ *

!?!? N-No don't cry please it's alright Sans!!! *he take him on arms, wrap a blanket around him then shove a ketchup bottle in his mouth wiping the tears aww 😂😂* Swap: n-nyeh!?!? I'm sorry TT~TT *he get out the cape tearing up ohh nuu 😂😂😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* Sans smile ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt ɗʀiɳkiɳg tɦɛ kɛtcɦup ʀɛɑʆʆy ɦɑppy 😂😂😂 ɑwwww *
* ɓɛʀʀy รigɦɛɗ ɑɳԲ ɦugɛɗ ɦiร ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ ʀɛɑʆʆy tigɦt 😂 *

*Swap get blushed, curl up in his cape awww 😂😂😂* *Pap facepalm and glare to a bunny after it slap Classic 😂😂* H-hey no touching my brother!!! *He glare and lock it in a cage 😂😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɓɛʀʀy gɛt ѳɳtѳ ɑ ɓʆɑck รɱѳkɛ ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt ɱɑkiɳg ɗiรtʀɛรรɛɗ รkɛʆɛ ɳѳiรɛร 😂😂😂😂 *
* cʆɑรรic รtɑʀt tɛɑʀiɳg up, ѳɦɦɦɦɦ cѳɱɛ ѳɳ cʆɑรร! 😂😂 *

Swap: brooo!!! *slight pout, struggle at first trying to get loose but then start to get relaxed though Pap went a bit crazy earlier 😂😂😂* Nyeh?... lost it again didn't I ...oh sorry about that least I got bunnies now though *noow insert bunnies around Papy here 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɑɳɗ iɳรɛʀt cʆɑรรic ɳѳɱiɳg tɦɛ ɓuɳɳiɛร 😂😂😂😂 *
💠 ѳɱ ɳѳɱ ɳѳɱ ɳѳɱ! 💠
* kiɳg ɓɛʀʀy รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ รtʀuggʆɛ ɦiร ɓʀѳ ɦɑppiʆy 😂😂 *

Ghost Pap: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME TOO THEN YOU FLIPPING MURDERED ME FOR AWHILE YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT CHARA!!! *he glare hard but then he froze once noticing the dust* Ghost Pap: w..what have I done?... *he start crying, Pap still not waking up ohh nuu 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* tɦɛɛɛɛɛɳ kiʆʆɛʀ ɑppɛɑʀ ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ gɦѳรt pɑp , wtԲ ɦѳw cɑɳ ɦɛ ɦug ɑ gɦѳรt? 😂😂😂😂😂*
🌙 pɑpyʀuร i ɑʆwɑyร ʆѳѵɛ yѳu... * รɳiԲ * 🌙
* ɑɑɑɑɱɗ cʆɑรรic tɑkɛ ɑ guɳ ɑɳɗ pѳiɳt tѳ ɦiɱรɛʆԲ ɓɛʆiɛѵiɳg ɑɳɗ pɑp ɗiɛɗ 😂😂 *


Language: English