

Ask @BigBadWolf29199

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Have you felt broken?

I think everyone has at some points. It can be difficult, but you can’t give up, eventually you’ll find a way to
Have you felt broken

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If someone leaves you for being overweight but comes back after you lost the weight, should you take them back?

No, find someone better.

Honestly you guys I was just trying to be a good person and spread some positive and love but people are now hating on me for it and I’m crushed cause I’m just trying to be a good person people treat me like shit everyday outside of this app and I’m just trying to show kindness I’m sorry

Gabbybartolone’s Profile PhotoGabbyB.
No. I’m sorry if what you say is true, it’s not right at all for you to be treated that way.

Does anyone struggle with Mental Health!?

At this point it seems like almost everyone struggles with mental health.

Is it abusive when my man accused me of going through his backpack, when I did NOT, and because he thought I did, he thought that because I apparently violated and disrespect his property, he could do the same to me....he threw my belongs all over the apartment...clothes, pictures, EVERYTHING...

Yeah, you should leave him, also, he’s probably paranoid cause he has something to hide.

I’m going to stay away from you don’t worry. I’ll never talk to you or see you again even tho I want to. You don’t have to be afraid of me ever. I’ve been staying away from you for almost years now

Im going to stay away from you dont worry Ill never talk to you or see you again


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