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Latest answers from Heavydirtysoul

1. favorite color 2. favorite youtuber 3. favorite movie? 4. do you have a chrush/bf/gf 5. what makes you happy? 6. are you shy or outgoing? 7. do you miss anyone at the moment 8. fav tv show 9. tumblr or ask? 10. favorite ask.fm profiles you follow

1 blue(any shade)
2. Shane Dawson and many others
3.I can never really pick my favorite one but I really like Anna (2013)
4. none
5. smol cats
6. Shy ;(
7. yep
8. cant decide (dr who myb)
9. tumblr
10. idk @ahslover1 probably

Koje nove serije gledas i kakve su ti?

Stranger Things i Mr. Robot.
Stranger things mi je odlicna a Mr. robot mi je okej

Language: English