
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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Okay people seriously need to stop talking smack about you! I love you so much an you are seriously amazing! I know Im not perfect either but nobody is! You are gorgeous!

Aww thanks babe!(: but you da gorgeous one
Liked by: Abby♡

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Tbh. Girl I love you!(: you are super gorgeous! And a great friend. You are super nice and like my little sister. You honestly have been there for me and I trust you!(: you find ways to make me laugh and to make me smile(: thank you! (: and we should hangout sometime soon!(: text meh or snap me w/e

Brittney lux
Aww thanks you to!!(: ill text you tomorrow tired and going to bed!! LOVE YOU!<3
Liked by: Brittney lux

Would you ever do youtube videos like Abby? You would be perfect..

Idont know really!? Abbys amazing at them! Icant be as good as her! And i dont wear much makeup!
Liked by: Abby♡

I like this guy and I think he likes me too, so what could I do to figure it out for sure? Also he added me on snapchat and waves at me like an idiot...haha! So what can I do?

Umm have a friend ask him!? Of if you feel comfortable yourself you can ask him!? Its he acts like he likes you or flirts flirt back!(:

seriously freakin love you! You are gorgeous and such a great friend and thank you for being there today to cheer me up. It really means a lot. You are so nice and I love your hair smile face like everything. I'm so jealous I don't see why people break up with you. And you aren't a bitch btws :)

Aww thanks text me!(:
Liked by: Brittney lux

tbh-your really nice! like no matter what it feels like i can always text you and you always have my back! im glad i have people like you in my life!:) we have had out ups and downs and even though we dont hangout often we will always be frenndsss:)!

Merrae Duncan
I will always be for you!(: love you !(.
Liked by: Merrae Duncan


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