
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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well um yea that was cyber bulling. I have my facts right.

Madison Mentele
Well maybe you shouldn't cyber bully hun! It can get you in a lot of damn trouble! You're messing with the wrong damn family! So if you have a problem with her kik me or text me im sick of people like you!
Liked by: Sid!(: Cate Meyer✨

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My life is messed up.. I want to dieee

Right now your life may be messed up but thats the way you will get stronger... Your life will get better give it time... Believe me you are beautiful inside and out! No matter what anyone say! Everyone is beautiful in there own ways.. Please do not die.. Give it time.. Everything will get better.. Don't think of wanting to die.. You are better than that.. Talk to someone you trust a lot.. I am sure they would love to talk to you about anything because i doubt that they would want to lose a great friend like you! Everyone goes through hard times in their life's.. Some aren't as big as other.. But there is a reason behind everything happening in your life.. In 10-15 year nothing that happened in middle school- high school will matter!
Ever need someone to talk to kik me.

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well he's the WHOLE reason kate is depressed and not happy and all. he's fucked up and everyone knows it

Okay first of all we are all young.. Honesty relationships don't really matter! He may of f8cked up but so do you! Unless you are perfect stop saying shit! And she honestly shouldnt be depressed its a BOY! They come and go but friends and family will always be here! ❤️❤️Love her!❤️
Liked by: Jonah Honomichl

You are a faker

Im faking it really?! Get your facts straight...
I have....
Bruises in between bones
And a high sprain and low sprain
3 stretched ligaments
And inflammation in my ankle!
Liked by: justice marie brim

Fucking grow the the fuck up seriously she didnt say that on katelyns you guys are just trying to start something between them. Guess what THEY'RE FAMILY and THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. They know that they wouldn't say that to each other. They are family like I said so they wouldnt try to start somthin

Miles Rolle
Liked by: Cate Meyer✨

When you coming to Aberdeen?

I dont know if im going to get to come!!
With my ankle right now im not able to play sports.. I have to get - MRI done cause what the chiropractor and my sister boyfriend thinks i might of tore some ligaments and did something bad in my ankle... So idunno! Text me!(:
Liked by: Jordan Stuart

Youre only gunna miss him cause you like him...

I do not like him okay!
Iwill miss him cause we have been bestfriends for like 9-10 years we have been through alot! He has always been there for me though everything finding out that he is moving just mad e me almost cry..
Liked by: Jordan Stuart

Truth is your really nice and funny and pretty and good at volleyball! And I love you because you give me ur fruit loops:)

Tess L
Hahaha!(: thanks! Gurl you are really pretty yourselff! Bahahahaha love you to! Fruit loops for life!


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