

Ask @BrowniesLuv17

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My brother is depressed. How can I make him feel better.

Give him a hug tell him everything will be ok, get him some food, be there for him checking on his mental state

When sharing a bed with a partner (doesn't have to be right now) do you sleep more towards the door or away from?

Never been in a relationship lol

I think recreating an account was a mistake. I know I originally had a reason... but even with blocking the people who previously gave me hate doesn't stop them from finding this new one. 😪

I’ll be your friend. Hope you are ok🥺❤️

Should I go with my gut even tho my head says it going to end up the same as before (aka not well)

Go with your gut feeling

Let him go!! He loves her NOT YOU and never will. You didn't stood a chance with him then, you definitely don't stand a chance with him now. He is in love with her.


When I was 8 I found my moms sex ed book. I read that in the pic I was seeing was called sex and I needed a boy to do it with so I asked my 3 year old brother to do it with me. Once I realized it was wrong I stopped immediately (2 times) Am I bad person even tho I didn't understand how it was bad ?



Language: English