

Ask @BrowniesLuv17

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“Do you think women are good people ? Also please dump your wife or girlfriend.” Why are there so many lonely, desperate male trolls sending crap like this out on ask?


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If you had a choice: no repercussions you can take revenge on the person who has wronged you the most in your life in any way you see fit. or you can marry the person who you loved most in your entire life. [if you haven't met them you get to meet that person.] which do you choose? why?

Mistake Master
Seek revenge

I feel as though I need kindness but life is just like food you can’t live without life so give it your all!

I love food

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

I like my height but the height on my moms side Lmao

In the last year & half a friend of mine has had 5 or 6 people he was close with have died.any advice on the best way to support my friend?

Keep checking on them seeing if they are ok, try hanging out with them, hug them

Were you raised to believe one thing (from church or parents), but decided for yourself not to believe it? Like if you were raised to believe that being gay was a sin but decided on your own that you don't believe it's a sin. Any examples like that in your life? 🤔

edraegen’s Profile Photoʎǝɹɟɟǝſ™
I was raised to love everyone except people that are racists

Someone is spreading a rumor about you. Describe one way you could resolve the issue positively.

Cuss them out

What sound can put you to sleep?

I like watching asmrs and I be knocked out lol. I like listening to calming music as well


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