

When you say that sometimes the machine can cause b grades, what does that mean? does the lathe sometimes messes up with the weight distribution, or what?

It can be a machine running too fast, or the calibration can have shifted after running for too long or not long enough. Or it could be a problem with the bar stock, or any number of other weird mechanical bugaboos. Doesn't happen often though, when you have a machine shop that pays attention. Most of our b-grades are the result of anodization problems more than anything. -Steve
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Quick summary of upcoming and exciting yo-yos/projects from you guys?

Metal Yeti, Akita, Wildfire, sig for Ayumu, Step 4 ????, world domination

i am really proud of clyw for caving into pressures of market demand and respecting of the player wishes to make aymums sig 4A throw like he alwayz wanted lmfao

i am really proud of clyw for caving into pressures of market demand and

I'm trying to pick between the dune and the manatee with the ac2 as reference. I really like the ac2, but I want to get a new throw completely different from it to vary my collection. What do you suggest?

Get a Manatee.

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