

Making another new signature for Petr... Is he the team member with the most signatures on the team? I just looove how you guys support him for being such an awesome guy.

Zach has had four, Petr has had two so far. -Steve

Latest answers from CLYW

Quick summary of upcoming and exciting yo-yos/projects from you guys?

Metal Yeti, Akita, Wildfire, sig for Ayumu, Step 4 ????, world domination

i am really proud of clyw for caving into pressures of market demand and respecting of the player wishes to make aymums sig 4A throw like he alwayz wanted lmfao

I'm trying to pick between the dune and the manatee with the ac2 as reference. I really like the ac2, but I want to get a new throw completely different from it to vary my collection. What do you suggest?

Get a Manatee.

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