

When is Zach's vid coming?

We get this question pretty much everyday since we posted the trailer a few months ago. Which was a huge error on our part to tease this out, I thought we were closer to having it complete then we actually were. Unfortunately due to some miscommunication with a few people the video is still delayed. We were going to finish the edit, but Zach wants to finish editing it, and he's about 75% done.
School has been Zach's #1 priority this semester and we can't fault him for that. Switching majors to Comp Sci is intense. This week he'll be finishing his last class so hopefully once he gets a breather he will have time to finish this up.
Please be patient with us, we'll have it done soon :)
Sorry for the delay, but thanks for asking us every day! We can't wait to see it it too!

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Quick summary of upcoming and exciting yo-yos/projects from you guys?

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i am really proud of clyw for caving into pressures of market demand and respecting of the player wishes to make aymums sig 4A throw like he alwayz wanted lmfao

i am really proud of clyw for caving into pressures of market demand and

I'm trying to pick between the dune and the manatee with the ac2 as reference. I really like the ac2, but I want to get a new throw completely different from it to vary my collection. What do you suggest?

Get a Manatee.

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