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Latest answers from Kate

Do you think 5 day workweek is inhumane, And should be illegal?

Ya_7abibi’s Profile PhotoDiaa
No, I’d rather work a 5 day week doing 37 hours over 5 days than do 3 long days.. I get fatigued easily but need that dollar😅

Uk is overrated

It really is, if you are able too- get out and set roots into a country with less corruption🙃

do people even use this app anymore? i had no idea it was still a thing.

Yes they do, it’s not as good as it used to be though!

I do not know anyone who is addicted to smoking do you

I know 1 and we barely speak because they peer pressure me into smoking🙃

Do you read fan fiction?

I used to, now I have a job that I’m constantly reading for so now I don’t feel like I wanna read when I clock out..

Language: English