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Latest answers from Grace

My life is hopeless. I lack the will to keep going

jamaljennings9’s Profile PhotoJamal E Jennings
Don't know why this is in my personal when it was a shout out. I don't know you but I'm here if you need to talk. And I'm rooting you on. I've been there myself

My grandmother does not like the fact my boyfriend is Filipino and he is older than me I don’t understand what the heck her problem is she acts like he does not exist and when it comes to my sisters boyfriend she acts all nice and acts like he exists . Like what is her concern ?

I would confront her about it and lay down some ground rules. Unless she's got a real good reason to not like him, she shouldn't be rude.

Sexual harassment laws are dumb. The reason the laws exist is to get men fired.

It's there for men and women. Sexual harassment is wrong and I won't tolerate it.

30 years of sexual harassment laws. Should we end these laws now? Freedom is good but laws are bad.

No. I'm glad they're in place.

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