

Ask @Carmen4333

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How competitive are you? A) A little B) mediocre C) Very D) depends on who or what it is

Depends on what or who it is. I mainly do friendly competition ☺️ and that’s just a little bit of it

Hey gorgeous! How has your week been?? Have any fun or exciting plans for your 4th?? Hope you have a beautiful and spectacular Friday!! Remember to smile 😁

Octoberbeauty7’s Profile PhotoBianka
Hiya lovely. My week has been a little stressful, but other than that I’m doing okay! I’m not entirely sure what we’re doing on the 4th, but I’ll probably head out and watch the fireworks on the 2nd. Normally, we’d go up on the mountains on the 4th for a family gathering, but with a pandemic, I’m not too sure we’ll be doing that. Thank you. I sure will! How are you doing? Any plans yourself? ☺️

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Would You Choose To Be Immortal?

Mmmm. Depends. I think, if. I was like Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunters series, I don’t think I could do that. Watching all those he loves and cares for pass 😞 but at the same time, it’d give me plenty of time to travel the world.

You should follow Nikki Rides on her YouTube 😍 I don’t want her to know I post this so I make it anon and not tag her

I’ll check them out later. I make no promises on subscribing until I get a feel of the channel

should they get rid of the option to be anon?

Nah. There are some good questions on here despite how crazy anon can be sometimes

Is there a way to delete a shoutout/question? I thought I made one to myself about my socials & ppl keep answering it. 🥴

xBaddJuju’s Profile PhotoxBaddJuju
Sadly no. I’d like that myself


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