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super Mario odyssey is the only Mario game I ever beaten 😂.. is that a good Mario game to play?

grandmasterqtip’s Profile Photoakunik
Never played it, but I’ve heard good things. I like bowser’s inside story

Are you struggling with mental health?

I always struggle, but I’ll be okay. I know I have people I can rely on

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I’m sure you’ve been asked dozens of time before but what’s textile engineering?

Specializing in conversing fibre into yarn

What makes you happy ?

Spending time with my friends, some me time, food even though I shouldn’t eat a lot, and knowing that someone out there somewhere does love me. No one can tell me differently. Also, knowing I have the ability to adapt and grow

What makes you really happy and feel alive?

Probably going to Dollywood to visit the Eagle Sanctuary, maybe share a funnel cake with someone I care about
Liked by: Mal Hans

so my ex has an girlfriend that isn’t to fond of me but he cheated on me with her , today I just got back on social media after a year or two breaking up with him , this is his first time seeing like my “post break up glow up” so he’s all in my dms and I feel like I should tell her but idk

I’d be honest with her. If you have proof, show it to her even if she doesn’t like you. She should know
Liked by: Allison Marie

Have you ever thought about marriage and having your own family ?

Yes. Plenty of times. 3 kids and for a wedding, I’m stuck between a Disney theme on the beach or a Harry Potter theme
Liked by: Allison Marie


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