

Ask @CarusoJess0

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What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?

It would have blown our minds already if it was revealed.
These questions get dumber and dumber.
Liked by: Fiona

Omg you're so inspirational I love you so much. You're my hero. You've been thru so much shit but u get the world as it is. I wanna be u, pretty smart caring and just PERFECT <3

The thing is, I've been through a lot but I'm nothing special. People have been through shit, I'm not one to look up to, but I appreciate it and it means a lot <3 I'm far from perfect, but thank you and stay yourself, that's what makes one unique<3
Liked by: Fiona

do u support gay marriage? I think its stupid

See this picture? I saved it to explain to little immature pricks like yourself. In case your brain doesn't process this, this is a picture of a head X-ray. Now, what I see is someone's skull. Can you argue? No. Do you know if this is female, male, gay, straight, or bi? Can you tell the color of their skin, hair, eyes or can you describe their interests? See the thing about this picture is that it could be any one of us. Underneath all that skin and potential is a skull. Just like everyone else, you have a skull. The unique thing is, everyone's skull is different. Some have similarities, differences, but the main category is Human. You're human, homosexuals are human, we're human. We are walking miracles with limited time and you're going to waste your time on fucking categorizing people just like you? No, you don't have to be gay to be like them, you just be yourself. Homosexuality may be a sin in many eyes, but if it were such a sin, why did this God or whatever you believe in create this person the way they are. The thing is you little cunt, you're going to be following in other people's footsteps and copying what others say, agreeing along with things that are truly wrong. To answer your question, if I didn't already answer it, is yes, I do support gay marriage. I support all marriage; Interracial, gay, straight, bisexual, doesn't matter to me. Be happy and spend your time wisely, use your time to make yourself happy. As for you? You can rot in a ditch somewhere for all I care. When you're perfect, come back and judge, until then Bon voyage asshole!

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Liked by: Fiona

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

Probably the same thing I do in all my free time.
Liked by: Fiona

How does society brainwash the youth?

You can be whatever you want and not be judged but if it's what you really want and if its different then we'll judge you.
Liked by: Fiona


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