@ChristianCage978#22 🇷🇴

(Seven) Ștefan Olbojan

Ask @ChristianCage978

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where you learn to speak in enghlish ? you are good.

I'm not good i have a lot to learn , i am ok , i can comunicate in english and this is good for moment
where you learn to speak in enghlish  you are good
Liked by: Alee✌❤

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Ce personalităţi celebre s-au născut în oraşul tău?

Pai in afara de mine :-? creca nimeni deci una :D :* ( adica eu )
Liked by: Diana

eh=))) baii, da ce tupeu au si anonimii tai :> alti retardati si astia :))

Katykaty07’s Profile PhotoEcaterinne♥
Ai mei nu sunt retardati , sunt doar niste scursuri fara viata persoanala , ca si ai tai de altfel ;)

You don't know english! Just be able to recognise and then the situation will be different. You make a lot of mistakes and you think you're so good , but that's not true. I don't know what papers and proves have you to show that you' re good at english ,but the mistakes you made show the truth.

You think ? Maybe , maybe not i say a few time ago , i don't care if u are better then me .... is important i know speak english enough to can understand a lot of thing's and i didn't want show off . I will repreat you : All good , if i am bad .... or not .... is my bussnies :* <3
Liked by: Ecaterinne♥

Esti urat, asa iti place?

:)) Dragut , urat :)) cui pula mea ii pasa ? :)) sunt eu , parerile unor anonimi ma lasa rece .... de ce ? simplu Nu-mi pasa .... daca mai devreme eram super dragut , iar acum sunt urat ..... :)) inseamna ca esti foarrrteee nehotarat/nehotarata ;)

Esti super dragut <3

CUi ii pasa ? :)) Sincer .... Cui pula mea ii pasa ? nu nu sunt dragut , sunt un tip banal , ciudat si diferit , daca chiar credeai ca sunt dragut dadeai fara anonim ;) deci Bye bye :*

Ce întrebări pui de obicei când vrei să cunoşti pe cineva?

Hm.... de obicei chestii standard
Dosar penal (Cate ) :-? mda ... :)) exagerez , ca de obicei vorbesc prostii multe cand vreau sa cunosc pe cineva :P dar de obicei iese bine deci....


Language: English