
Taran Lisoway

Ask @ChronicTaco

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Wouldnt shoutouts be so much more hilarious and amusing if it involved "highschool" peers. The drama that would ensue..lol

DollHeart7’s Profile PhotoS
I’m not definite that very many are intrigued

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Je suis de retour sur Ask après 4 ans et je ne sais pas c'est quoi un osti de Shoutout 😂👋?? Help me

English English

Here’s your sign: Don’t give up. You are so loved and cared about. I know you don’t think so or maybe realize it.. but you are. You’re amazing and so strong. Things will get better soon. I promise. ❤️

I’m just going to be in over here being emo

is it weird to be playing with people who don’t speak the same language? i play on the PS4 quite often with friends that speak spanish while i speak english. Although we can’t talk to each other, we message each other by using a translation app. I enjoy their company but is it weird?

I have an app. I can’t let you know cause you will ruin the joy

how does it feel to be a loser?

Pretty much awesome. May the lord heal and accompany your soul. I chose that option because you’ve nothing better to do but attempt to tear people down lol. Pitiful you’re social media’s presence

Being mean, disrespectful, hypocrit and egoistic is not cool by the way!

I’ve had my fair share but you hadn’t experienced had I been a fan


Language: English