
Dan Kim

How does one encourage horns? Their development, their peace, The friendliness with nohorns and so on?

Fraggingfox’s Profile Photofraggingfox
The best was for, for a nohorn, is to GO HOME.
Himehorns are very insular, in that they have their herd and others are wrongherds, wronghorns, or nohorns. If you truly feel inclined to help them, please leave delicious cakes by the cave entrance. Nohorn meat would also be appreciated, but that would break The Pact, so please don't.

What kind of cakes? Chocolate? Icecream?carrot? What kind of cakes do horns like

Fraggingfox’s Profile Photofraggingfox
Horns prefer cakes with fruity flavours, but anything sweet is appreciated. Musclehorns like meat cakes, but we will not speak of that any further.

Language: English